On Wed, 24 Jul 2019, Letisha Sarah Fong Rui Zhen wrote:

Dear all,

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I???m working with panel data of 9 countries and 18 years and I???m running fixed effects SDEM, SLX and SEM with the splm package.

I have three questions:

1. I can???t seem to get the SDEM model to run. My code for each of the
   3 models is:

model.SDEM <- spml(ln(Y) ~ ln(GDP) + (ln(GDP))^2 + EI + RE + slag(ln(GDP), listw = my.listw) + slag((ln(GDP))^2, listw = my.listw), data = my.data, listw = my.listw, model = ???within???, effect = ???individual???, lag = F, spatial.error = ???b???)

model.SLX <- plm(ln(Y) ~ ln(GDP) + (ln(GDP))^2 + EI + RE + slag(ln(GDP), listw = my.listw) + slag((ln(GDP))^2, listw = my.listw), data = my.data, model = ???within???, effect = ???individual???)

model.SEM <- spml(ln(Y) ~ ln(GDP) + (ln(GDP))^2 + EI + RE, data = my.data, listw = my.listw, model = ???within???, effect = ???individual???, lag = F, spatial.error = ???b???)

I am able to run both SLX and SEM models without problem, but when I try to run the SDEM model, the error message is:

Error in UseMethod("slag") :
 no applicable method for 'slag' applied to an object of class
 "c('double', 'numeric')"

I don???t understand what is wrong here, as I have no problems with the slag() function in the SLX model. My data is a pdataframe and each variable is a numeric pseries.

My guess would be that you should protect your square with I() in general, but have no idea - this is not a reproducible example.

2. How can I calculate impact measures (direct, indirect and total) for
   spatial panel models?

The impacts() function in spdep doesn???t work anymore and the impacts() function from the spatialreg package seems to work only for cross-sectional data and not panel data.

For example, I ran:


And the error message is:

Error in UseMethod("impacts", obj) :
 no applicable method for 'impacts' applied to an object of class
 "c('plm', 'panelmodel')"

I have tried methods(impacts) but none of the functions seem to work for my SLX model created with the splm package.

But your SLX model is created with the plm package, isn't it? The only use of splm is for the manual lags with slag()?

I also looked at some previous examples in the splm documentation and more specifically the spml() function and the example provided (specifically the impact measures) doesn???t work anymore:

data(Produc, package = "plm")
fm <- log(gsp) ~ log(pcap) + log(pc) + log(emp) + unemp
## random effects panel with spatial lag
respatlag <- spml(fm, data = Produc, listw = mat2listw(usaww),
model="random", spatial.error="none", lag=TRUE) summary(respatlag) ## calculate impact measures impac1 <- impacts(respatlag, listw = mat2listw(usaww, style = "W"), time = 17) summary(impac1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)

The implemented impacts methods in splm apply to the case where the lagged response is included. For SDEM and SLX, you can get the impacts by addition for the total impactss, and by linear combination for their standard errors. This is not implemented in a method. Further, slag() does not give any impacts method any information on which variables have been lagged - in your illustration above EI and RE are not lagged.

The error message when I run the impacts() function is:

Error in UseMethod("impacts", obj) :
 no applicable method for 'impacts' applied to an object of class "splm"

My question is therefore, how do I go about calculating direct, indirect and total impact measures for spatial panel data?

3. How can I test if the SDEM model can be simplified to the SLX model
   (since I estimate the SDEM by maximum likelihood (spml function) and
   the SLX by ordinary linear regression (plm function))? From my
   understanding the plm() function does not compute a loglikelihood or
   AIC so I probably can???t do a likelihood ratio test to choose
   between models (I haven???t tried this out because I???m stuck at
   running the SDEM model).

Do you know definitely that plm does not provide a log likelihood? I realise that it isn't OLS unless pooled. Have you reviewed the JSS plm and splm articles?


Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Best wishes,


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Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
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