Hi Roger,

I have added an example to https://github.com/ateucher/rmapshaper/issues/89

Hopefully it illustrates the behaviour I was seeing from
rmapshaper::ms_simplify() but please let me know if not.

And thanks for the nudge towards GPKG, I will investigate.

On Mon, 19 Aug 2019 at 15:48, Roger Bivand <roger.biv...@nhh.no> wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> On Sun, 18 Aug 2019, Phil Haines wrote:
> > Hi Roger,
> >
> > I originally encountered this issue while trying to reduce the size of
> > German postal code boundaries. I used rmapshaper::ms_simplify() which
> > introduced the polygons sharing a common edge. I definitely didn't
> > need them to be separate polygons, and would happily have merged them
> > had I been more familiar with gUnaryUnion().
> If the German postal code boundaries are open, could you please put (an
> affected subset) on an URL, and provide a short script to replicate the
> workflow. Then we can engage with the rmapshaper maintainer, and see
> whether the underlying problem in the workflow is in the js library or its
> R wrapper. I've opened: https://github.com/ateucher/rmapshaper/issues/89.
> >
> > I apologise if my question has resulted in unnecessary effort on your
> > part. I reported the behaviour because I found it surprising. However,
> > I now understand that this example is not a valid simple feature
> > geometry and that the solution is to take steps to ensure I have valid
> > geometries, and to repair if not.
> >
> No need to apologise!! Your reproducible example was excellent, without it
> you wouldn't have contributed to getting the internal shapelib code
> changed to make it less restrictive in future releases of GDAL,
> potentially benefitting lots of users (who really should drop ESRI
> shapefiles, and/or should check geometries for validity, but ... whose
> work you've helped save). By the way, ESRI would be very happy if
> shapefiles stopped being produced in current workflows, and that new files
> should rather be GPKG.
> > Additionally I must confess that I only use the ESRI Shapefile driver
> > because I don't know any better... My use cases are reading and
> > writing from R (usually to produce maps) and occasionally opening in
> > QGIS. I can happily switch to any format that supports this workflow.
> >
> GPKG is now very broadly supported, is SF-compliant, and has the big
> user-facing benefits of not having field name length restrictions, and
> many fewer encoding issues for field names and string values.
> Best wishes,
> Roger
> > Thank you very much for your time,
> > Phil
> >
> > On Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 13:59, Roger Bivand <roger.biv...@nhh.no> wrote:
> >>
> >> The reason that the problem occurred is that a MULTIPOLYGON with two
> >> exterior rings becomes invalid if the exterior rings touch along an edge
> >> (this case). It is important to know the use case, to see whether:
> >>
> >> library(rgeos)
> >> writeWKT(Ps1)
> >> gIsValid(Ps1, reason=TRUE)
> >> Ps1a <- gUnaryUnion(gBuffer(Ps1, width=0))
> >> gIsValid(Ps1a, reason=TRUE)
> >> writeWKT(Ps1a)
> >>
> >> or equivalently in sf for sf objects, should be applied before trying to
> >> write the object out to file with this driver.
> >>
> >> However, because drivers that are compliant with the simple features
> >> standard (which bans exterior rings sharing edges) have been permissive
> >> and do round-trip this invalid object, a relaxation in the OGR ESRI
> >> shapefile driver has been provided and may be included in a future
> >> release.
> >>
> >> We need to know (see these issues):
> >>
> >> https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/1130
> >> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/1787
> >>
> >> why it was desirable to write out this object using this driver? Could an
> >> alternative driver have been used, or is ESRI shapefile the only format
> >> used in the workflow?
> >>
> >> If it has to be this driver, could the workflow be changed to repair
> >> degenerate cases before writing? If using sp classes, rgeos may be used to
> >> test for and probably repair such geometries before they reach
> >> rgdal::writeOGR() for this driver. Adding code to sf and rgdal to trap
> >> degenerate cases does encumber all users with valid geometries with
> >> the time wasted on extra checking, so building checks into sf and rgdal is
> >> not desirable.
> >>
> >> I hope it is possible to find out more about the use case quickly, to pass
> >> on to GDAL developers to help motivate a relaxation in their current
> >> policy with regard to this driver, and to encourage them to include the
> >> fix branch in a future release of GDAL.
> >>
> >> Roger
> >>
> >> On Sat, 17 Aug 2019, Roger Bivand wrote:
> >>
> >>> Please follow up both here and on:
> >>>
> >>> https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/1130
> >>>
> >>> as the problem is also seen in the sf package using the same GDAL ESRI
> >>> Shapefile driver.
> >>>
> >>> Roger
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, 16 Aug 2019, Roger Bivand wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>  On Fri, 16 Aug 2019, Roger Bivand wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>   On Tue, 13 Aug 2019, Phil Haines wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>    Dear list,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    I have a single Polygons object containing multiple Polygon objects
> >>>>>>    that share a common border. When I output this using writeOGR() one 
> >>>>>> of
> >>>>>>    the Polygon objects becomes a hole, as the following example shows.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    Create a Polygons object containing two adjoining Polygon objects
> >>>>>>>    library(rgdal)
> >>>>>>>    r1 <- rbind(c(1,1),c(1,2),c(2,2),c(2,1),c(1,1))
> >>>>>>>    r2 <- r1; r2[,1] <- r2[,1]+1
> >>>>>>>    Ps1 = Polygons(list(Polygon(r1),Polygon(r2)),ID=1)
> >>>>>>>    SPDF = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame( SpatialPolygons(list(Ps1)),
> >>>>>>>    data.frame(Example=c("Minimal")))
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    Perform a write/readOGR() cycle
> >>>>>>>    fn <- tempfile()
> >>>>>>>    writeOGR(SPDF, fn, layer='test', driver='ESRI Shapefile')
> >>>>>>>    SPDF2 <- readOGR(dsn=fn,layer='test')
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    Second Polygon object is now a hole
> >>>>>>>    sapply(SPDF2@polygons[[1]]@Polygons,slot,"hole")
> >>>>>>    [1] FALSE  TRUE
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    I see from the sp documentation that "Polygon objects belonging to a
> >>>>>>    Polygons object should either not overlap one-other, or should be
> >>>>>>    fully included" but I am not sure how this relates to bordering
> >>>>>>    Polygon objects. I would welcome any advice as to whether what I am
> >>>>>>    asking of writeOGR is reasonable?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   The problem is with the 'ESRI Shapefile' representation and driver:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   library(rgdal)
> >>>>>   r1 <- rbind(c(1,1),c(1,2),c(2,2),c(2,1),c(1,1))
> >>>>>   r2 <- r1; r2[,1] <- r2[,1]+1
> >>>>>   Ps1 = Polygons(list(Polygon(r1),Polygon(r2)),ID=1)
> >>>>>   SPDF = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame( SpatialPolygons(list(Ps1)),
> >>>>>   data.frame(Example=c("Minimal")))
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, "hole")
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, "ringDir")
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # which constructs a MULTIPOLYGON object:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   rgeos::writeWKT(SPDF)
> >>>>>   library(sf)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(SPDF)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>> #    The 'ESRI Shapefile' driver is not Simple-Feature compliant (it
> >>>>> #    pre-dates it), so the failure occurs by seeing the second exterior
> >>>>> #    ring
> >>>>> #    as an interior ring
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   fn <- tempfile()
> >>>>>   writeOGR(SPDF, fn, layer='test', driver='ESRI Shapefile')
> >>>>>   SPDF2 <- readOGR(dsn=fn, layer='test')
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, "hole")
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, 
> >>>>> "ringDir")
> >>>>>   rgeos::writeWKT(SPDF2)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(SPDF2)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # This happens with sf too, using the same GDAL driver:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   sf2 <- st_read(dsn=fn, layer='test')
> >>>>>   st_geometry(sf2)
> >>>>>   library(sf)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(sf2)))
> >>>>>   rgeos::writeWKT(as(sf2, "Spatial"))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # Adding the comment fix doesn't help:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   comment(slot(SPDF, "polygons")[[1]])
> >>>>>   SPDF_c <- rgeos::createSPComment(SPDF)
> >>>>>   comment(slot(SPDF_c, "polygons")[[1]])
> >>>>>   writeOGR(SPDF_c, fn, layer='test_c', driver='ESRI Shapefile',
> >>>>>     verbose=TRUE)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> #    reports
> >>>>> #    Object initially classed as: wkbPolygon
> >>>>> #    SFS comments in Polygons objects
> >>>>> #    Object reclassed as: wkbMultiPolygon
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   SPDF2_c <- readOGR(dsn=fn, layer='test_c')
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2_c, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, "hole")
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2_c, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot,
> >>>>>   "ringDir")
> >>>>>   rgeos::writeWKT(SPDF2_c)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(SPDF2_c)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # If the input object is written out with the GeoPackage driver:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   fn1 <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
> >>>>>   writeOGR(SPDF, fn1, layer="test", driver='GPKG')
> >>>>>   sf2a <- st_read(dsn=fn1,layer='test')
> >>>>>   st_coordinates(st_geometry(sf2a))
> >>>>>   SPDF2a <- readOGR(dsn=fn1)
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2a, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, "hole")
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2a, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, 
> >>>>> "ringDir")
> >>>>>   rgeos::writeWKT(SPDF2a)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(SPDF2a)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # the issue is resolved. If we separate the exterior rings:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   r2a <- r1; r2a[,1] <- r2a[,1]+1.00001
> >>>>>   Ps1a = Polygons(list(Polygon(r1),Polygon(r2a)),ID=1)
> >>>>>   SPDFa = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame( SpatialPolygons(list(Ps1a)),
> >>>>>   data.frame(Example=c("Minimal")))
> >>>>>   fna <- tempfile()
> >>>>>   writeOGR(SPDFa, fna, layer='test', driver='ESRI Shapefile')
> >>>>>   SPDF2_a <- readOGR(dsn=fna, layer='test')
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2_a, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot, "hole")
> >>>>>   sapply(slot(slot(SPDF2_a, "polygons")[[1]], "Polygons"), slot,
> >>>>>   "ringDir")
> >>>>>   rgeos::writeWKT(SPDF2_a)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(SPDF2_a)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # we are OK as the two exterior rings do not touch.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # does using sf make a difference?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   fn_s <- tempfile(fileext=".shp")
> >>>>>   st_write(st_as_sf(SPDF), dsn=fn_s)
> >>>>>   sf_in <- st_read(fn_s)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(sf_in)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # No
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   fn_s <- tempfile(fileext=".shp")
> >>>>>   st_write(st_as_sf(SPDF_c), dsn=fn_s)
> >>>>>   sf_in_c <- st_read(fn_s)
> >>>>>   st_as_text(st_geometry(st_as_sf(sf_in_c)))
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   # nor with the pretend-SF-compliant comment set either.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   So the weakness is in the "ESRI Shapefile" write driver, or possibly 
> >>>>> in
> >>>>>   the OGRGeometryFactory::organizePolygons() function in GDAL used in
> >>>>>   OGR_write() (a C++ function) called by writeOGR(). If sf::st_write()
> >>>>>   also
> >>>>>   calls OGRGeometryFactory::organizePolygons(), we'd maybe consider that
> >>>>>   it
> >>>>>   has a weakness for the "ESRI Shapefile" driver, but which does not
> >>>>>   affect
> >>>>>   SF-compliant drivers.
> >>>>
> >>>>  Without the comment set, OGRGeometryFactory::organizePolygons() is used;
> >>>>  with it set, OGRGeometryFactory::organizePolygons() is not used, because
> >>>>  the object is declared as two exterior rings. In both cases, we have the
> >>>>  output object written out and read back in incorrectly with the ESRI
> >>>>  shapefile driver, but SF-compliant drivers round-trip (in the test
> >>>>  GeoJSON), correctly.
> >>>>
> >>>>  It is likely that the changes made in 2015 to accommodate GeoJSON led to
> >>>>  this possible regression for the ESRI Shapefile driver. I'm adding this
> >>>>  geometry to tests/tripup.R and data files; without code changes the hole
> >>>>  slot is wrong and the ring direction is changes to match, so the
> >>>>  coordinates change too.
> >>>>
> >>>>  Reading using the deprecated maptools::readShapeSpatial() also gets a 
> >>>> hole
> >>>>  in the second external ring. However, writing with deprecated
> >>>> maptools::  writeSpatialShape() yields a shapefile that when read with
> >>>> maptools::  readShapeSpatial() gives the correct two exterior ring, no 
> >>>> hole
> >>>>  object. When read with sf::st_read() and rgdal::readOGR(), the object is
> >>>>  also correct. So the problem definitely lies in rgdal::writeOGR(), and
> >>>>  sf::st_write() - roundtripping with sf::st_write() and sf::st_read()
> >>>>  degrades from MULTIPOLYGON to POLYGON with the ESRI Shapefile driver.
> >>>>
> >>>>  Roger
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   This is probably related to a similar but inverse problem with the
> >>>>>   SF-compliant GeoJSON driver in 2015:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2015-October/023609.html
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   continued the next month in:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2015-November/023656.html
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   The details are in this SVN diff
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   
> >>>>> https://r-forge.r-project.org/scm/viewvc.php/pkg/src/OGR_write.cpp?root=rgdal&r1=555&r2=571
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   up to the end og the list thread, and this one from then until now:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   
> >>>>> https://r-forge.r-project.org/scm/viewvc.php/pkg/src/OGR_write.cpp?root=rgdal&r1=571&r2=733
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   Summary: could you change drivers, or is it really necessary to fix an
> >>>>>   EOL
> >>>>>   problem? What is your use case?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    Thanks in advance for your time,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   Thanks for a complete example,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>   Roger
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>    Phil
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>    sessionInfo()
> >>>>>>    R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
> >>>>>>    Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
> >>>>>>    Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    Matrix products: default
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    locale:
> >>>>>>    [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United
> >>>>>>    Kingdom.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
> >>>>>>                            LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    attached base packages:
> >>>>>>    [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    other attached packages:
> >>>>>>    [1] rgdal_1.4-4 sp_1.3-1
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> >>>>>>    [1] compiler_3.5.1  tools_3.5.1     yaml_2.2.0      grid_3.5.1
> >>>>>>    lattice_0.20-35
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    _______________________________________________
> >>>>>>    R-sig-Geo mailing list
> >>>>>>    R-sig-Geo@r-project.org
> >>>>>>    https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Roger Bivand
> >> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
> >> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
> >> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no
> >> https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2392-6140
> >> https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=AWeghB0AAAAJ&hl=en
> >
> --
> Roger Bivand
> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no
> https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2392-6140
> https://scholar.google.no/citations?user=AWeghB0AAAAJ&hl=en

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