Thank you, Roger for your help.   A quick follow-up:

What do you mean when you say "Use one of the approaches described in the 
tutorial and you may be OK, but you should not trust the outcome of Moran's I 
on residuals without using an appropriate variant." ?  Or in other words, what 
is an appropriate variant in this context?


_______________________________________From: Roger Bivand <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 4:43 PM
To: Elizabeth Webb
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] spatial autocorrelation in GAM residuals for large 
data set

On Tue, 20 Aug 2019, Elizabeth Webb wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a large data set (~100k rows) containing observations at points
> (MODIS pixels) across the northern hemisphere.  I have created a GAM
> using the bam command in mgcv and I would like to check the model
> residuals for spatial autocorrelation.
> One idea is to use the DHARMa package
> (
>  ).
> The code looks something like this:
>     simulationOutput  <-   simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mymodel) # point 
> at which R runs into memory problems
>     testSpatialAutocorrelation(simulationOutput = simulationOutput, x =  
> data$latitude, y= data$longitude)
> However, this runs into memory problems.
> Another idea is to use the following code, after this tutorial
> (
>  ):
>     library(ape)
>     library(fields)
>     coords = cbind(data$longitude, data$latitude)
>    w = rdist(coords)  # point at which R runs into memory problems
>     Moran.I(x = residuals(mymodel), w = w)
> But this also runs into memory problems.  I have tried increasing the
> amount of memory allotted to R, but that just means R works for longer
> before timing out.

I do hope that you read

first, because the approach used in ape has been revised.

The main problem is that ape uses by default a square matrix, and it is
uncertain whether sparse matrices are accepted. This means that completely
unneeded computations are carried out - dense matrices should never be
used unless there is a convincing scientific argument (see
  for a
development on why distances are wasteful when edge counts on a graph do
the same thing sparsely).

Use one of the approaches described in the tutorial and you may be OK, but
you should not trust the outcome of Moran's I on residuals without using
an appropriate variant. Say you can represent your GAM with a linear model
with say spline terms, you can use Moran's I for regression residuals.
Take care that the average number of neighbours is very small (6-10), and
large numbers of observations should not be a problem.

A larger problem is that Moran's I (also for residuals) also responds to
other mis-specifications than spatial autocorrelation, in particular
missing variables and spatial processes with a different scale from the
units of observation chosen.

> So, two questions: (1) Is there a memory efficient way to check for
> spatial autocorrelation using Moran's I in large data sets? or (2) Is
> there another way to check for spatial autocorrelation (besides Moran's
> I) that won't have such memory problems?

1) Yes, see above, do not use dense matrices

2) Consider a higher level MRF term in your GAM for aggregates of your
observations if such aggregation makes sense for your data.

Hope this clarifies,


> Thanks in advance,
> Elizabeth
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Roger Bivand
Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail:

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