Not elegant, but this might work:

x # is your variogramCloud
x$np = 1
class(x) = c("gstatVariogram", "data.frame")

On 10/1/19 8:20 PM, Benjamin Hemingway wrote:
> Hello,
> I am computing the variogram from points measured along profiles. I do not
> want to compute the variogram from pairs of points belonging to the same
> profile. To accomplish this I am iterating through each point and computing
> the variogram cloud, keeping only the point pairs that I want. However, I
> would like to plot the sample variogram and fit a model to it using only
> the point pairs in my final variogramCloud data frame.
> Is there an elegant way to convert a variogramCloud data frame to a
> gstatVariogram data frame?
> Ben
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Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics
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