Thanks to both of you for identifying the problem so quickly, and offering a workaround!

On 23/10/2019 21:25, Vijay Lulla wrote:
Andy, you're spot on!  This is because stars:::`[.stars` is only looking for variables and not expressions (line 44 in the function!).  Your example gets around it by creating an object in the environment (parent.frame) which is then consulted in the `eval`.  Sorry for tmi!

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 2:22 PM Andy Teucher < <>> wrote:

    I’m fairly certain this is a bug in stars; I opened an issue here:

    Andy Teucher

    > On Oct 23, 2019, at 10:42 AM, Andy Teucher
    < <>> wrote:
    > Interesting - there’s some rlang/tidy evaluation trickery going
    on there that I couldn’t quite figure out (I think it might be
    searching for yr in the wrong environment), but defining your
    range as a single variable, and putting that in the square
    brackets seems to work for me:
    > rng <- yr:last_yr
    > stars_window = ci_stars[,,,rng]
    >> On Oct 23, 2019, at 10:20 AM, Micha Silver <
    <>> wrote:
    >> On 23/10/2019 19:30, Andy Teucher wrote:
    >>> Hi Micha,
    >>> I can see two problems immediately with your code:
    >>> 1. you are using a double-colon (yr::last_yr) - the double
    colon is used for looking for an object in a package, so it is
    looking for object ‘yrs’ in package ‘yr’, which obviously doesn’t
    make sense. Use a single colon to create a range (like you did
    with 2:6)
    >>> 2.  the object ‘last_yr’ is never defined, so even if you used
    a single colon to define the range yr:last_yr, it would fail as it
    would not be able to find object ‘last_yr’
    >> Thanks,
    >> I fixed those typos (corrected script attached) and I still get
    this error:
    >> micha@tp480:R$ Rscript stars_window.R
    >> Loading required package: abind
    >> Loading required package: sf
    >> Linking to GEOS 3.7.1, GDAL 2.4.0, PROJ 5.2.0
    >> Error in eval(rlang::expr(x[[i]][!!!args])) : object 'yr' not found
    >> Calls: RunMK -> [ -> [.stars -> structure -> eval -> eval
    >> Execution halted
    >>> Cheers,
    >>> Andy Teucher
    >>>> On Oct 23, 2019, at 8:28 AM, Micha Silver <
    <> <
    <>>> wrote:
    >>>> I am trying to run a function (mk.test to find MannKendall
    trends) using st_apply over a "rolling" window for a time series
    of rasters in a stars object.
    >>>> When I use subscript notation to slice out the window
    dimension with a looping variable I get an error:
    >>>> Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘yr’
    >>>> Calls: [ ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne ->
    >>>> Execution halted
    >>>> However If I replace the subscript with integers it works
    fine. (see attached)
    >>>> What is the correct way to work this out?
    >>>> Attached is a reprex with a small subset of my data. (The
    script starts with a long structure, code is at the end)
    >>>> Thanks
    >>>> --
    >>>> Micha Silver
    >>>> Ben Gurion Univ.
    >>>> Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
    >>>> cell: +972-523-665918
    >>>> <stars_window.R>_______________________________________________
    >>>> R-sig-Geo mailing list
    >>>> <>
    < <>>
    >> --
    >> Micha Silver
    >> Ben Gurion Univ.
    >> Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
    >> cell: +972-523-665918
    >> <stars_window.R>

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Vijay Lulla

Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Geography, IUPUI
425 University Blvd, CA-207C.
Indianapolis, IN-46202 <>

Micha Silver
Ben Gurion Univ.
Sde Boker, Remote Sensing Lab
cell: +972-523-665918

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