HI all,
I'm a Linux user and (Ubuntu 18.04) and I was trying to find a way to 
speed up my R code. Reading on the web I found than some packages such 
as parallel or gpuR have been developed to allow faster calculation in 
R. Anyway I was wondering whether any other ways were available. My 
question concern how to speed up old R codes involving GIS procedures 
and mainly using rgdal, raster, biomod2, dismo, sp or other Spatial 
According to this post (here 
it seems that as linuk user we can launch a specific program using GPU 
so I was wondering if this could be used with R. In other words I would 
like to solve the issue from the beginning, opening an R session from 
terminal running on the GPU instead of on CPU(s). Is it possible? Does 
anyone has experience on it?
the question I opened on ResearchGate.
Thank you in advance and happy new year to everybody

*Maurizio Marchi,
PhD Forest Science - Ecological Mathematics*
CNR - Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR), Florence 
division (Italy)
SkypeID: maurizioxyz
Annals of Silvicultural Research Associated Editor
EUFGIS National Focal Point for Italy (www.eufgis.org)
Scopus Author ID: 57188626512
ResearcherID: T-3813-2019
http://b4est.eu/ project

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