I have write permission to the folder. I have also now called the raster
package, coerced the sf object to Spatial and could save as a shapefile.
But just as you hinted and was further explained by Edzer and Tim, the
shapefile could not be used elsewhere.

Thank you all for the support.


On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 8:46 AM Jose Ramon Martinez Batlle <
jmartine...@uasd.edu.do> wrote:

> Hello.
> The "Write error" seems a permissions issue. Do you have write
> permission to the folder you are trying to save the file? You can see
> the default path by typing getwd() in the console.
> Regarding the error message you got while trying to write the shape
> using the shapefile function, I guess you mean the function belonging
> to the raster package, which you may don't have installed in your
> computer. That may be the reason why R can't find the function after
> searching in your libraries.
> If you type ?raster::shapefile in the console, with the raster package
> installed, you will find the documentation of the function, where the
> argument x (the source) is defined as "character (a file name, when
> reading a shapefile) or Spatial* object (when writing a shapefile)".
> So if you provide an object (which you did), it must be an object of
> class Spatial*, but the one you provided seems to be an sf object. You
> can try to coerce the Spatial to an sf object, but I advise against
> that, because it is an unnecessary workaround when using the sf
> workflow.
> BTW, try to avoid using shapefile as the default format.
> Best regards.
> El sáb., 20 jun. 2020 a las 4:44, Lom Navanyo (<lomnava...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have had to merge a shapefile that I read into R as an sf object with a
> > .csv data containing  some variables. Now I want to save the merged data
> to
> > a file (a folder on my pc). I am however getting following error:
> >
> > Error in CPL_write_ogr(obj, dsn, layer, driver,
> > as.character(dataset_options),  :
> >   Write error
> >
> > Below is a snippet of code used:
> > library(sf)
> > library(dplyr)
> > library(ggplot2)
> > library(stringr)
> > library(rgdal)
> > library(sp)
> >
> > parcel1 <- st_read("parcels_all.shp")
> > balance5 <- read.csv("Balanced_5.csv")
> >
> > mergedparcel <- merge(parcel1, balance5, by=c('PARCEL_ID','CAL_YEAR'),
> > all.x = FALSE, all.y=TRUE)
> >
> > st_write(mergedparcel,"mergedparcel.shp")
> >
> > I also used the shapefile function thus:
> >
> > shapefile(mergedparcel , "D:/Documents/mergedparcel.shp")
> >  This also gives me:
> > Error in shapefile(mergedparcel, "D:/Documents/
> > Documents/mergedparcel.shp") :
> >   could not find function "shapefile"
> >
> > Am I doing this right?
> > Any suggestion to resolve this issue would be appreciated.
> >
> > -----------------
> > Lom
> >
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> --
> José Ramón Martínez Batlle
> Investigador/Profesor Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)
> Correo electrónico: jmartine...@uasd.edu.do
> Página web: http://geografiafisica.org

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