Dear List,

Please I am undertaking land cover classification with the support vector
machine but output image have some portions appearing white. I have tried
both the *caret *and *e1071, *yet I got the same error image. Find below
the codes:

Caret package
modFit_svmR1999 <- train(as.factor(class) ~ B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B7,
data = TrainSet1999, method = "svmRadial")

e1071 package
modFit_svmR1999 <- svm(as.factor(class) ~ B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B7, data
= TrainSet1999)

Before running the above codes, I had done all the necessary image staking,
extracting of pixel values and data partitioning. I don't know what I am
not doing right and I will be glad to have some assistance.
Thank you

Best regards,

*Enoch Gyamfi - Ampadu*

*Geography & Environmental Sciences*

*College of Agriculture, Engineering & Science*

*University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus*

*Private Bag X54001*
*Durban, South Africa **– 4000**.*
*Phone: +27 835 828255*

*email: <>*

*skype: enoch.ampadu*
*The highest evidence of nobility is self-control*.

*A simple act of kindness creates an endless ripple*.

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