On 25/01/2023 18:42, Josiah Parry wrote:
I wonder if `units::set_units()` is a better fit for the job

It could definitely tell you which number to choose when going from, say, US feet to km. Coordinates in sf geometries are not stored as units objects, unit info is encoded in the CRS. st_transform can do transformations and conversions between different CRSs, unit conversions is a special case of that.

On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 12:37 PM Steve Gutreuter <sgutreu...@gmail.com>

Is it safe to re-scale sf geometry coordinates from meters to
kilometers using, for example:

sfobj$geometry <- sfobj$geometry / 1000

It seems to work, but I understand too little about spatial data to
know whether that practice is actually safe.  I am working with spatial
data in a continental-scale equidistant conic projection, and the units
are meters.  It seems that kilometers would be better suited stochastic
partial differential equation modeling on a finite-element mesh, but
maybe that is a moot point.

Any and all advice will be much appreciated.

Steve Gutreuter

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