Dear R-spatial users, Maybe this is a good moment to advocate the iEMSs 2006 meeting in Burlington, Vermont. The URL of this conference is I usually don't feel very confident about sending a bit OT messages like this to focused lists, so please forgive me.
This is the third conference of iEMSs (the first two were in Switzerland and Germany), which is an independent international scientific organisation for advancing environmental modelling and software and uniting people working in that domain. iEMSs has strong links to MODSIM, which has had several successful conferences in Australia and New Zealand. What makes iEMSs 2006 particularly interesting, and why I'm advocting it for you, is the workshop nr 13 "Open geospatial tools and methods in environmental modeling and management", which I'm organizing with Ned Horning. The president of iEMSs has this to say about iEMSs 2006: The Summit is incorporating a very innovative program of workshops (some 15 at present), as well as the more standard sessions (another 15 or so) with presentations. The website has a list of themes currently and we would be pleased to consider other topics from you. But we refer you to the website and accompanying blog to examine which existing sessions you may wish to join - in which case you should contact the organisers of that session. For most of you, we expect that the current sessions on offer will cover your interests. For workshop organisers we are requesting at least one rough draft INVITED POSITION PAPER (IPP) of the issues (opportunities, challenges etc.) by the end of November, with other contributed papers optional for workshop attendees. All serious participants would at least be required to have an abstract. Position papers, other full papers and abstracts would be peer-reviewed and pre-published in the Summit Proceedings before the Summit. We will reserve at least one book in the Elsevier IDEA Series that publishes a chapter on the findings of each workshop and their IPP - these would be updated versions of the Position papers, revised based on the workshop outcomes. We also have special journal issues available. For standard sessions there will be a more formal structure where there is a 20 minute or so slot for presentation, and pre-published papers for these are mandatory, albeit with a timeline of February 2006 for submission to reviewers. However standard sessions could easily be converted to a workshop format anytime, subject to the session organisers and authors agreeing. I'd like to encourage you to participate in the conference and I'd especially like to see a contribution about R-spatial and its use in advancing environmental modeling in the geospatial tools workshop. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you're interested in attending and contributing to the geospatial tools workshop. Best regards, Ari Jolma -- Prof. Ari Jolma Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics Teknillinen Korkeakoulu / Helsinki University of Technology POBox 1200, 02015 TKK, Finland Email: ari.jolma at URL: _______________________________________________ R-sig-Geo mailing list