On 4/9/07, Roger Bivand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Apr 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > For preview graphics and for large areas such as continents, large
> > countries, hemispheres, or the whole earth, spherical projections are
> > often adequate.  I can provide some of the ones I have used.  For
> > detailed work at sites and small areas, ellipsoidal projections such as
> > UTM are usually used, and then the coding gets more complicated with
> > choices of datums and so forth.
> >
> The attached script shows how to do the interrupted sinusoidal projection
> using spTransform in rgdal, for the whemi.lin data posted with the
> free-standing functions by Denis White a couple of days ago. Once the
> lines are converted into SpatialLines objects, the rest is robust and
> simple, as is the use of gridlines() in sp. The one catch is calculating
> the offset, here in an x_0= offset along the Equator in metres between the
> two central longitude values. The output is attached as a PNG image. The
> point about the sp objects is that they contain enough metadata (here a
> PROJ.4 projection description) to let them be moved to other R packages or
> external software.
> The half-dozen basic projections are easy to specify in PROJ.4, for
> example from the geotiff list:
> http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list/
> which is what I used here. The other projections mentioned are:
> Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area "+proj=cea +lon_0=-80"
> Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area "+proj=laea +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-80"
> while the Northern hemisphere sinusoidal is:
> Sinusoidal "+proj=sinu +lon_0=-100"
> So I'd argue that PROJ.4 projection descriptions are not difficult to use,
> and with sp objects, do stay stuck to the data (has anyone else ever
> forgotten what projection was used when revisiting data, not just me?).

Yes, that's brilliant (keeping the proj4string). My point was not that
proj is hard to use -- its simple -- rather that depending on proj
means more build time dependencies. On the other hand, if its not


Timothy H. Keitt, University of Texas at Austin
Contact info and schedule at http://www.keittlab.org/tkeitt/
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