On Wed, 13 Jun 2007, Bob Sutherland wrote:

> Hi,
> I read in polygon shape file and write the KML for GE using the writeOGR
> function
> tmpshpPoly<-readShapePoly("tmpshp",IDvar="AKUCU83_",
> proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
> writeOGR(tmpshpPoly, "test2.kml", "Location","KML")
> In the test2.kml file I'd also like to include a name for each polygon and
> some polygon shading.  I can edit the shape file and place or edit the tags
> but for this to work as we desire, I'd want to write the <name> tag with the
> tmpshpPoly$loc field.  I'd also like to color the polygon with a
> categorization of the tmpshpPoly$nAnimals field.  The categorization is
> easy.
> I am unable to write the <name> tag within the Placemark tag for each
> polygon.  I am also unable to alter the
> <PolyStyle><fill>0</fill></PolyStyle> fill color to an appropriate color.
> If you have suggestions I would be most appreciative.

The underlying driver is an OGR driver, and can only do as much or as 
little as OGR permits. If you are on Windows (please _always_ state 
platform, R and package versions from for example sessionInfo()), and have 
the latest rgdal, you have GDAL 1.4.1 code, that is the most recent 



"OGR has limited support for KML writing"

and there is no way to add the information you are interested in.

Could I suggest an alternative route, using the maptools functions: 
GE_SpatialGrid and kmlOverlay, which use the png() graphics device to 
write an image overlay of whatever you plot - so adding polygon fills, or 
labels, becomes as simple as plotting? Please see the GE_SpatialGrid help 


> Thank you,
> Bob Sutherland
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
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