Dear useRs, I am trying to convert the predictions of a kriging model into a shapefile but I am getting some errors and I am getting nowere with my solutions...
This is the code I am running: a <- data.frame(Id=seq(1,length(pred.grid[,1]),1),X=pred.grid[, 1],Y=pred.grid[,2]) a_dbf <- data.frame(Id=seq(1,length(pred.grid[,1]),1), data=kc2$predict) shp_1 <-, a_dbf, field="Id", type=1) were pre.grid is determined by this code: min_x <- 142794 max_x <- 152121 min_y <- 485080 max_y <- 508887 pred.grid <- expand.grid(seq(min_x, max_x, 50), seq(min_y, max_y, 50)) and kc2 is an object returned by the aplication of the function krige.conv: kc2 <- krige.conv(dados_g, loc=pred.grid, krige=krige.control (obj.m=vario_fit2)) Another question: as you can see I am predicting my values to a square set of points... my question is how can I can I generate a set of point that match a specific area (because I have a specific limite(area) in an esri's shapefile). Thanks in advance. Carlos Carlos GUERRA Gabinete de Sistemas de Informacao Geografica Escola Superior Agraria de Ponte de Lima Mosteiro de Refoios do Lima 4990-706 Ponte de Lima Tlm: +351 91 2407109 Tlf: +351 258 909779 Be a Mac user... update your self! [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ R-sig-Geo mailing list