Dear useRs,

I am trying to convert the predictions of a kriging model into a  
shapefile but I am getting some errors and I am getting nowere with  
my solutions...

This is the code I am running:

a <- data.frame(Id=seq(1,length(pred.grid[,1]),1),X=pred.grid[, 
a_dbf <- data.frame(Id=seq(1,length(pred.grid[,1]),1), data=kc2$predict)
shp_1 <-, a_dbf, field="Id", type=1)

were pre.grid is determined by this code:

min_x <- 142794
max_x <- 152121
min_y <- 485080
max_y <- 508887
pred.grid <- expand.grid(seq(min_x, max_x, 50), seq(min_y, max_y, 50))

and kc2 is an object returned by the aplication of the function  

kc2 <- krige.conv(dados_g, loc=pred.grid, krige=krige.control 

Another question:

as you can see I am predicting my values to a square set of points...  
my question is how can I can I generate a set of point that match a  
specific area (because I have a specific limite(area) in an esri's  

Thanks in advance.


Gabinete de Sistemas de Informacao Geografica
Escola Superior Agraria de Ponte de Lima
Mosteiro de Refoios do Lima
4990-706 Ponte de Lima

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