I am (newly) testing out the package spgwr to run GWR in R v. 2.5.1. 
I am trying to run the gwr() function with the following command:
model1 <- gwr(Nfix.ma~peaDM.ma, data=gwr.dat, coords=gwr.loc, bandwidth=200,
+               gweight=gwr.bisquare, hatmatrix=TRUE, se.fit=TRUE)
and get no output, but only the Error message:
Error in SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = fit.points, data = df, proj4string = 
CRS(p4s)) : 
        row.names of data and coords do not match
However, a check of rownames() in both my data (gwr.dat) and coords (gwr.loc) 
reveals no differences between the two. 
Perhaps, the error is due to something else altogether related to coordinates 
in the sp package?
My gwr.loc is a 55x2 matrix (Easting, Northing, 55 locations) and the gwr.dat 
is a  33x55 data.frame (with the first two columns also containing the Easting, 
Northing data).
Can anyone advise?

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