On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 13:38:57 +1100,
Michael Sumner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Windows or Linux?  My experience is in Windows.  I would writeGDAL() the
> SGDF to GTiff, then use gdal_translate at the command line to convert to
> netCDF:

> gdal_translate -of NetCDF in.tif out.nc

Thanks for the idea, I'm under GNU/Linux though and don't see that
command.  It may not be difficult to track down the equivalent though.  At
any rate, is there some tradeoff to consider when using this these SGDF ->
GTiff -> NetCDF conversions?  I may have to look deeper into the other
packages (e.g. RNetCDF as you mentioned).

All the best,


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