On Mon, 18 Aug 2008, Galkowski, Jan wrote:

In the sm package, the Description for sm.sphere promises "The angle of
view may be altered.", and the Value writeup says "... a list containing
the value of the smoothing parameter and the rotation angles of the
displayed plot."  Yet, if I invoke this in combinations of TRUE, FALSE
settings for "hidden" and "sphim", I get a decorated sphere, but no
controls to rotate it.

Is there something a matter with the implementation for Windows?

Assuming that you run example(sm.sphere), you get the behaviour you describe. If you then do:

sm.sphere(lat, long, sphim=TRUE, kappa=15, panel=TRUE)

adding panel=TRUE, you should see the control panel. You didn't quote the command you gave, so perhaps this was what you did - I've only tried on a Linux platform.

Hope this helps,



- Jan Galkowski
  Akamai Technologies, inc
  Cambridge, MA, USA

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