> # gstat:
> library(gstat)
> data(meuse)
> coordinates(meuse)=~x+y
> v = variogram(zinc~1, meuse, cutoff= 1500, width=100)
> v$gamma
[1]  37096.27  72732.59  79850.78 105605.91 117984.59 133647.42 142229.89
[8] 152057.17 170659.29 159000.66 173061.81 171477.48 159297.84 173958.50
[15] 150212.24
> # geoR
> library(geoR)
> v2 = variog(as.geodata(meuse["zinc"]), breaks = 0:15 * 100)
variog: computing omnidirectional variogram
> v2$v
[1]  37096.27  71711.29  80532.62 105605.91 117984.59 133647.42 142229.89
[8] 152057.17 170659.29 159000.66 173061.81 171477.48 159297.84 173958.50
[15] 150212.24
> plot(v2$v, v$gamma)

The minor difference seem to be due to point pairs with a distance equal to a bin boundary, which are then assigned to different bin:

> v2$n
[1]  52 262 382 430 475 503 525 565 535 530 487 483 431 419 427
> v$np
[1]  52 263 381 430 475 503 525 565 535 530 487 483 431 419 427

Pilar Tugores Ferra wrote:
Hello everybody!

For sure it is very simple, but I can't find the way.
How could I obtain the numerical values of a experimental semivariogram or 
variogram? Is it any function that makes this in geoR or gstat (or out of them)?
Mª Pilar Tugores Ferrà

Becaria FPI - PhD Student

Acústica de Pesquerías

I.E.O. - Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares
Muelle de Poniente s/n

07015 Palma de Mallorca (España)

Tel.: (34) 971 401561

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