Thanks Edzer,

I've requested Cressie's book from our library (just waiting on it).
My main concern was the many 0 counts. I also was not enthusiastic about odd transformations which then require appropriate back-transforms (I imagine the back transform of the kriging variance gets messy)

I've tried several linear and non-linear combinations....they all do not improve on predictions generated by using OK with the untransformed data. I am confident that the resultant grid outputs do capture the spatial structure quite well. I've also tried a 10 fold cross validation of the kriging model - this seems to give reasonable estimates for mean error, mean squared prediction error and mean square normalized error. I had interpreted this that the variogram model chosen was doing a reasonable job.

Edzer Pebesma wrote:
Hi Dave,

Dave Depew wrote:
Hi all,
A question for the more experienced geostats users....

I have a data set containing 2-3 variables relating to submerged plant characteristics inferred from acoustic survey. The distribution of the % cover variable is bounded (0-100) and highly left skewed (many 0's). The transect spacing is quite even, and I can't seem to notice much difference between a run of ordinary kriging and a variant of RK using a zeroinflated glm of the %cover residuals. None of the other co-variates show much correlation with the data (i.e. bottom depth, x and y). Is this a possible reason why OK and RK seem to give more or less the same predictions?
Well, yes, if there's not much of a trend, then RK will essentially simplify to OK.

my second question relates to transformation of the target this case zero inflated distributions are difficult to transform. Is it really a requirement of kriging that the data be transformed? or just that it will generally perform better with a target variable with a distribution close to normal?

I believe the argument is along the following lines: kriging is the BLUP in any case, but in case the data are normally distributed (around the trend), the BLUP (or more exactly the BLP, simple kriging) coincides with the conditional expectation, making it the best possible predictor. In other cases, meaning when data are not normally distributed, it is still the best linear predictor, but it may very well be that there are other, better, non-linear predictors that give a result much closer to the best predictor under those circumstances.

If there is a transformation for that data that makes them multivariate Gaussian, then transforming and kriging on that scale is the way to go. A catch that has gotten very little attention is that transformation typically looks at marginal distributions, and not at multivariate distributions, the latter being pretty hard to check with only one realisation of the random field.

Cressie's book is a good source to read this stuff; I've lost my copy when I moved jobs in the spring.

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