Good morning Dave (late afternoon here),

Chris Taylor wrote:
Good morning Edzer and Dave,
Thanks for bringing up this point. I had a similar issue recently using krige(). Observations at 5800 locations, attempting to krige() predictions at 112,000 locations resulted in the same "memory.c" error message. Reducing predicted locations to <<50,000 and reducing max.dist seemed to help, but the predictions still took a very long time (>2 hours). (Running winxp with 4GB memory.) Can you clarify your suspicion regarding the "lack of standardization of coordinates"?
In this message, a trend was modelled based on x and y coordinates, as follows:
      x                y                DN4          indicator4
Min.   :670462   Min.   :4215236   Min.   :18.00   Min.   :0.0000
1st Qu.:670683   1st Qu.:4215456   1st Qu.:24.00   1st Qu.:0.0000
Median :670904   Median :4215677   Median :32.50   Median :0.0000
Mean   :670904   Mean   :4215677   Mean   :43.26   Mean   :0.4795
3rd Qu.:671125   3rd Qu.:4215898   3rd Qu.:64.00   3rd Qu.:1.0000
Max.   :671346   Max.   :4216119   Max.   :87.00   Max.   :1.0000
> g<-gstat(id="indicator6",formula=indicator6~x+y+x*y+sqrt(x)+sqrt(y),location=~x+y,,...

computing the x*y will give numbers many orders of magnitude larger than sqrt(x),or the intercept. The advice is usually to (somewhat) standardize coordinates before using them as a trend. But I doubt this helps you very much.

I find it hard to consider > 2 hours as a very long time before I know all the details (e.g. how many points were there within your maxdist?), the reason why you want an instant answer, and preferably have heard a comparison with other software. If you then tell me what your budget is, I might come up with possible solutions (starting very cheap, e.g. look at demo(snow) in package gstat, or use an OS that can assign this 4Gb to a single process).


Edzer Pebesma wrote:

12000 observations fit, in the c representation, in less than 1 Mb (64 bytes per observation).

The issue is that you think that passing maxdist to predict.gstat has an effect. It doesn't; you need to pass it to function gstat().

The same thing happened in this
message, where nmax was passed to predict.gstat, and simulation took forever. The other issue in that question was, I suspect, lack of standardization of coordinates, used in a trend surface.

Dave Depew wrote:
Is there a limit to the # of observations or size of file that can be co-kriged in gstat? I have a ~12000 observation data set (2 variables), the variograms, cross variogram and lmc are fit well, and co-kriging starts ok

Linear Model of Coregionalization found. Good.
[using ordinary cokriging]

then immediately outputs

"memory.c", line 57: can't allocate memory in function m_get()
Error in predict.gstat(, newdata = EcoSAV.grid, maxdist = 100) :

Iv tried different maxdist from 10 to 1000, with exactly the same result. I recently upgraded my RAM to 4Gb and flipped the windows XP /3GB switch.

Edzer Pebesma
Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi), University of Münster,
Weseler Straße 253, 48151 Münster, Germany.  Phone: +49 251
8333081, Fax: +49 251 8339763

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