Hi Tim,

the most recent release of RSAGA has a wrapper function for this module that is called rsaga.add.grid.values.to.points; try this:

rsaga.add.grid.values.to.points("test", c("slope", "aspect"),
    "add_grid", method = "nearest.neighbour", env = myenv)

(Note that the wrapper function uses default file extensions.)

The problem with your call is that multiple file names have to be passed to SAGA_CMD in the form
If you don't collapse the vector with semicolons, the geoprocessor will say
   GRIDS=file1.sgrd file2.sgrd file3.sgrd
and SAGA_CMD will assume that file2.sgrd is the next argument.
OK, maybe something to be changed in the next version of the geoprocessor, which is just a low-level workhorse.

rsaga.geoprocessor("shapes_grid", 0,
    param = list(SHAPES = "test.shp",
        GRIDS = paste(c("slope.sgrd", "aspect.sgrd"), collapse=";"),
        RESULT = "add_grid.shp", INTERPOL = 0),
    env = myenv)

I hope this helps...

Tim Häring wrote:
Hello to everybody,

I´m trying to use the SAGA tool "Add Grid Values to Points" in R using the RSAGA package ("shapes_grid", 0) but there is an error message I can`t figure out.:

rsaga.geoprocessor("shapes_grid",0, list(SHAPES="test.shp", GRIDS=list("slope.sgrd",
"aspect.sgrd"), RESULT="add_grid.shp", INTERPOL=0), env=myenv)

SAGA CMD 2.0.3
library path:   C:/Programme/saga_vc/modules
library name:   shapes_grid
module name :   Add Grid Values to Points
author      :   (c) 2003 by O.Conrad

error: executing module [Add Grid Values to Points]
Usage: -silent -SHAPES <str> -GRIDS <str> -RESULT <str> [-INTERPOL <num>]
  -SHAPES:<str>         Points
        Shapes (input)
  -GRIDS:<str>          Grids
        Grid list (input)
  -RESULT:<str>         Result
        Shapes (output)
  -INTERPOL:<num>       Interpolation
        Available Choices:
        [0] Nearest Neighbor
        [1] Bilinear Interpolation
        [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation
        [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation
        [4] B-Spline Interpolation
'add_grid.shp' is not a correct numeric value for option 'INTERPOL'.

I can`t explain why R is trying to understand the expression "add_grid.shp" as the Interpolationmethod even though it is previous to the INTERPOL expression in the command.

Any ideas?
Thank`s a lot.


Alexander Brenning
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - T +1-519-888-4567 ext 35783
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. W - Waterloo, ON - Canada N2L 3G1

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