Hi All,

Thanks to Paul and Alessandro for their suggestions. Paul's code (brute force) worked well for me and the results match up well with ArcGIS. I'm not using a large dataset so the speed isn't an issue but with a larger dataset it would be. In ArcGIS the optimization is instantaneous so clearly the software is doing something different than testing out all possible values.

I used Paul's code with no substantive changes then it's straightforward to use:

plot(idw_pow, cv_vals)

And pull out the min.

Thanks for the advice! Zev

Alessandro wrote:

Normally I use the R+SAGA to calculate the IDW and create a raster, with
this follow code. I change the radius input with a loop formula to create
several raster and after check the best result (I am studying a oak forest
with low density) 

radii.list <- as.list(c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)) 
for(i in 1:length(radii.list)){ 
	rsaga.geoprocessor(lib="grid_gridding", module=0,
	SHAPES="ground.shp", FIELD=0, TARGET= 0, POWER=1.0,
RADIUS=radii.list[[i]], NPOINTS=20, 	USER_CELL_SIZE=dem.pixelsize,

After I have 6 raster (DEM_idw_5.sgrd, DEM_idw_10.sgrd, DEM_idw_15.sgrd,
DEM_idw_20.sgrd, etc. etc.). I check hand-made the best IDW. I don't know is
It possible to improve this formula with RMSE in gstat and calculate the
best power.


-----Messaggio originale-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Per conto di Paul Hiemstra
Inviato: martedì 2 dicembre 2008 12.07
A: Zev Ross
Cc: r-sig-geo@stat.math.ethz.ch
Oggetto: Re: [R-sig-Geo] GSTAT: Optimize power value for IDW

Zev Ross schreef:
Hi All,

ArcGIS has a nice little button that calculates the optimal power 
value to use for inverse distance weighting based on cross-validation 
and RMSPE. Just wondering if anyone had written something similar in R 
-- I'm using GSTAT and I'd like to avoid back and forth with ArcGIS 
(and obviously I'd like to avoid writing it myself as well!).



I don't have any code lying around, but a brute force optimization 
approach should be quite easy. Also because the range of idw-powers is 
relatively small. The speed would ofcourse depend on the size of the 
dataset. In code it would look something like (actually works :)):

coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y

# make function to do the cv
do_cv = function(idp) {
  meuse_idw = gstat(id = "zn", formula = zinc~1, data = "" set = 
list(idp = idp))
  out = gstat.cv(meuse_idw)
  return(sqrt(mean(out$residual^2))) # RMSE as optimization criterium

idw_pow = seq(0.1,5, by = 0.2) # the idwpower values that will be checked
cv_vals = sapply(idw_pow, do_cv) # calculate the rmse
# List of outcomes
print(data.frame(idp = idw_pow, cv_rmse = cv_vals))

After this you select the idw value with the smallest RMSE.

cheers and hth,


Zev Ross
ZevRoss Spatial Analysis
120 N Aurora, Suite 3A
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-277-0004 (phone)
866-877-3690 (fax, toll-free)
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