
due to the fact that I'm just converting some free available data-sets to SpatialPolygonsList objects containing country/province/county polygons (each polygon can be identified by an unique name) I wonder if there is a recommendation/example how to store such data in a single R object similar to Roger Bivand's wrld_simpl in order to share these objects.

The structure should be organized in such a way that the user can choose e.g. to:
- show only the national boundary of a country
- show the national boundary plus province ones (admin level 1 - if available) - show the national boundary plus province ones plus county ones (admin level
2 - if available)

- show any combination of selected polygons coming from different admin levels
- etc.

Should one make usage of several R objects?
How to set up a name attribute (COUNTRY:ADMIN_LEVEL_1_NAME:ADMIN_LEVEL_2_NAME)? Or maybe, how to extend Roger Bivand's wrld resp. wrld_simpl database including a chance to name each single polygon representing an island?

Any comments or suggestions?

Kind regards,


Hans-Joerg Bibiko
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Linguistics
Deutscher Platz 6     phone:   +49 (0) 341 3550 341
D-04103 Leipzig       fax:     +49 (0) 341 3550 333
Germany               e-mail:  bib...@eva.mpg.de

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