Hello all,

I have been using gstat to krige temperature data with elevation as external drift.

feb01.meantemp.krig<-krige(MEANTEMP~elevation, locations= feb01.meantemp, newdata=elevation, model=feb01.meantemp.r)

I keep encountering the warning message:

Error: cannot allocate vector of size 20.7 Mb
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In as.list.data.frame(X) :
  Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)

I have been kriging separate datasets for each day of the year. Usually I can successfully krige 10 days or so before I run into these memory problems. I then have to close R and begin again.

To alleviate the problem, I reduced the surface onto which I am kriging. Right now it is a 1300km x 600km rectangle comprised of 250m x 250m grid cells. I am using about 80 weather stations for the interpolation. Is my grid really too big? I ask this because for the grids I do successfully interpolate I then use writeAsciigrid in Maptools and I run into the same problem: reached total allocation of 1535 Mb. But I'm not even interpolating here...just exporting the result as an Ascii grid. I find it hard to believe that my interpolation is out of the ordinary compared to what other gstat users do...or perhaps I should not be using a Windows computer with 2.00Gb of RAM?

Any ideas?

Thank you very much,

Richard Feldman, PhD Candidate
Dept. of Biological Sciences, McGill University
W3/5 Stewart Biology Building
1205 Docteur Penfield
Montreal, QC H3A 1B1

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