
Could you provide us with some reproducible code? In addition, look at the output of traceback() to get more info on what exactly went wrong.


Wesley Roberts wrote:
Hi Paul,

I have managed to get the code to run and have figured out what the function 
does. Many thanks, it should do exactly what I need. Unfortunately I have now 
run into another problem. The code appears to run properly until the error 
below appears.

60963 (-76170.4, -3300950) 20.0659 113
60984 (-76184.3, -3301000) 21.3390 126
61052 (-76198.2, -3301000) 19.0052 158
Error in while (is.null(res) && its < iter && n_is > 0 && ifelse(type == : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Had a look at "google" and got no luck. The problem seems to be an internal 
coding, not sure if you have seen this before?


Wesley Roberts MSc.
Researcher: Earth Observation (Ecosystems)
Natural Resources and the Environment
Tel: +27 (21) 888-2490
Fax: +27 (21) 888-2693

"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
- Chinese proverb

Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone:  +31302535773
Fax:    +31302531145

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