
I'm using the river database 'wdb_rivers_l.b' downloaded from ftp://ftp.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhs/gshhs_1.11.zip .

If I do this:

> rivers_low <- Rgshhs("wdb_rivers_l.b")

I get a list of rivers as SpatialLines with

> bbox(rivers_low[[1]])
          min       max
r1   0.000278 359.99944
r2 -52.733333  74.41167


But I need a xlim range of c(-180, 180). I could do it manually but I read in ?Rgshhs that there's an argument 'shift' which, set to TRUE, shifts longitudes > 180 degrees to below zero. But if I call:

> rivers_low <- Rgshhs("wdb_rivers_l.b", shift = TRUE)

I get the same bbox.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance and kind regards,


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