On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Paul Hiemstra wrote:


Have you tried the overlay command in the sp package?

Exactly. The questioner had asked me offlist (the list is a much better choice, it does 24/7, which I don't), and the answer is:

buff <- readOGR(".", "buff_canopy_subset")
canopy <- readOGR(".", "canopy_subset")
plot(buff, axes=TRUE)
plot(canopy, add=TRUE, pch=".")
o <- overlay(canopy, buff)
plot(canopy, add=TRUE, pch=".", col=o+1)

The overlay methods are so simple that they really deserve to be among the the first things people learn.



Alessandro schreef:
Hi All Researcher,

Thanks for help and suggestions.

I have a points shapefile (soil) with one column [H] and a circular buffer
polygons (plots) with a column [ID identify. Ex: 1,2,3 etc etc]. I wish to
clip the points shapefile with the buffer and obtain a new points shape file
(only the points inside the buffer) with two columns [ID of buffer and H).

I have with maptools problem with memory because every time my R crash-down.

 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks again


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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
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e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no

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