Hi Nick,

SEXTANTE and SAGA are very closely related, many of their modules are
identical. So at least the gain in functionality that can be achieved by interfacing SEXTANTE would probably be small, but maybe you know more about this.

A SEXTANTE-R interface would be a bit different from SAGA-R because of different command line interfaces (SEXTANTE uses some scripting language with Java-type syntax, SAGA the OS command line). But maybe - if the modules are really identical - this could be solved by replacing the rsaga.geoprocessor function (and some other low-level functions) in the RSAGA package and recycling the module front-end functions (like rsaga.local.morphometry) and help papges. This would save you a lot of time.

I hope this helps

The first version of SEXTANTE was based on the German software SAGA,
a GIS mainly focused on analysis. The original SAGA set of 120+
analysis modules was enriched by more that 70 new ones, and some
modifications were also made to the core of the system. A very close
relation existed between the SAGA and the SEXTANTE teams, and both
the extensions and the core modification eventually made their way to
the SAGA oficial distribution and are nowadays included in cur rent
SAGA releases.

Dominik Fuchs wrote:
Dear all,

I was wondering if anyone was aware of and/or developing an interface
to the SEXTANTE (www.sextantegis.com) library, along the lines of
spgrass6 or RSAGA? Also, if (as I think) no such project exists, I
would be interested to hear from anyone else wanting to collaborate
on the development of such a package, or has suggestions/wishes/ideas.

All the best,



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