ok, thanks, we are using

> system("g.version")
GRASS 6.3.0 (2008)

which is what comes for binaries for ubuntu 8.04 by now.
We should be compiling qgis, grass and gdal soon and will
try again and let you know.

Anyway, by now our process works using plugin=F and ignore.stderr=T
and the newest spgrass6, rgdal and sp packages.

Thanks a lot


Roger Bivand wrote:
On Tue, 5 May 2009, Roger Bivand wrote:

On Tue, 5 May 2009, Agustin Lobo wrote:


After upgrading, the test works with plugin=F,
while plugin=T produces the same result.

I find this too on Fedora 10, plugin=TRUE fails after a hundred or so calls, and then crashes R on a further command. With plugin=FALSE, there is no problem at all. The problem then lies in the plugin driver, which isn't anything that spgrass6 can do anything about. It looks as though the plugin is opening file handles to GRASS files but not closing them. I'll try to ask on the GDAL and grass-dev lists. For the time being, it seems best to use plugin=FALSE in readRAST6().

A follow-up. The previous results were using a GDAL 1.5.3 RPM, linking against GRASS 6.3 libraries. Having built a fresh GDAL 1.6.0 from source, linked against a fresh GRASS 6.4.0 RC4, the plugin now works and does not crash R. Browsing the GDAL GRASS raster plugin, there seem to have been important commits between GDAL 1.5.3 and 1.6.0 (possibly also 1.5.4, untested). GRASS has also changed between 6.3 and 6.4.0 release candidates. So a possible solution is to upgrade both GDAL and GRASS, or at least GDAL.


Also, ignore.stderr=T yields:

ERROR 6: SetColorTable() only supported for Byte or UInt16 bands in TIFF format.

This is a GRASS version issue, more recent GRASS support a flag to avoid r.out.gdal trying to write non-existent colour tables. Could you repeat your GRASS version:


should do it.

WARNING: Input raster map constains cells with NULL-value (no-data). The
value 999 was used to represent no-data values in the input
map.You can specify nodata value by nodata parameter.

Maybe set a NODATA= value in the readRAST6() call to avoid heuristics trying to find a possible value?


/media/Transcend/Montseny/GrassData//carlos/A_TOTAL/.tmp/caminoccg/nomdum has GDAL driver GTiff
and has 94 rows and 116 columns

which is not including any more the first lines that we had with the previous version:

raster map/current region mismatch detected in components:
cols rows origin.northing origin.easting
set plugin=TRUE to override; continuing with plugin=FALSE

Now we have:

R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)


attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] spgrass6_0.6-4 XML_1.95-3 rgdal_0.6-7 sp_0.9-36

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.9.0 lattice_0.17-22

We are trying now with our process, that takes much longer than the test, we'll let you know.



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