I need to take an ESRI grid (.asc) which is in geographic coordinates (lat/lon) and project it to UTM coordinates. The following command is giving me an error saying I'm giving it an undefined argument. I can read the raster without the projs arguement, but I'm stuck when adding that on.
> r<-raster(paste(asc.in.dir, "\\", asc.in.files[i], sep=""), projs="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +k=9996 +x_0=500000 +y_0=10000000") Error in .local(x, ...) : unused argument(s) (projs = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +k=9996 +x_0=500000 +y_0=10000000") Thanks, Tim [[alternative HTML version deleted]] _______________________________________________ R-sig-Geo mailing list R-sig-Geo@stat.math.ethz.ch https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-geo