I have been using gstat to krige maps over my study area.
The area is irregularly shaped and has quite a complex boundary.
I have made a regular (square) grid that covers my study area and made my estimates on this grid. Now that I have my maps, I would like to 'mask out' or delete the areas in my map that are outside my study area - i.e. where I don't have any data, where the interpolations don't make sense. Essentially, I want to end up only with the estimates over my study area.

As I said, the boundary of the study area is quite complex so the chull method will not work well. I have seen a few posts where this was suggested.

I have the xy coordinates for the boundary (and a shape file) for the study area. I am wondering whether I could overlay it over the grid with my estimates and then use it to remove the bits on the grid that I don't want and so end up with a map of only the estimates over my study area.

Could someone help with this please?



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