
You have to do two things, read your data and export it to a format for Google Earth.

The Cran Spatial Taskview suggests the RArcInfo package to read the e00 files into R. I'm not sure into what format they are loaded. Maybe readOGR from the rgdal package can also read e00 files, depending on the GDAL/OGR version you have available.

If you have your vector file in an R session in a SpatialPolygons object (see the sp-package), the following code shows an example how to export the data to a format that Google Earth can read:

coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
proj4string(meuse) = CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
meuse.ll = spTransform(meuse, CRS("+proj=longlat"))
writeOGR(meuse.ll, "meuse.kml", "meuse.kml", driver="KML")

I'm not sure if the RArcInfo reads the e00 file into a SpatialPolygons object (Virgillio?), or if it is easy to convert the output from RArcInfo to an sp-class. rgdal always reads data into an sp-class, but I'm not sure if this supports the e00 format.

I hope this e-mail provides you with some clues to work with,

cheers and good luck with your thesis,

Jian Li wrote:

Dear r-sig-geo Members,

recently, I've been trying to display the information from a e00 file (Grauss-Krüger coordinatensystem) in Google map but until now no success.
I would be very appreciated if anyone can help me to solve the problem which 
directly concerns my master thesis.

e00 file is under 
http://jaguar.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~jian/phpMysqlGoogle/nat.e00 available

Thank you in Advanced

Best Regards,
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Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
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3508 TC Utrecht
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