On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, veg...@yahoo.com wrote:

Hello everyone, sorry for posting this besides the ecology related r list, is the first and last time I will do it. (But in the last digest of the ecology list, only my lonely message was posted, kind of discouraging)

(Things take time, maybe the participants were waiting for someone else to reply)

We are trying to remove the spatial structure of our data by employing Moran Eigen Vectors with the spdep package. Our dataset is kind of large, 3694 samples and 13 variables.

The bad news: my Dual Core 2.0 MHz laptop with Ubuntu 9.04 (2.0 Gb RAM) halted after almost 4 days of continuous processing, and all the effort was lost. (Why the calculations took so much time??)

If you read the references, you'll see that ME does a brute-force search among the eigenvectors, choosing them one at a time depending on the degree to which they reduce autocorrelation in the residuals. Solving the eigenproblem for a dense 3700 by 3700 matrix takes some time, but is done once only. However, each loop (of a maximum of 3700 loops) is doing up to 3700 regressions and autocorrelation tests (numbers reduce as eigenvectors are chosen). The method has never been claimed to scale well to larger numbers of observations. Almost certainly, it is trying to include many hundred eigenvectors. In addition, the autocorrelation test is being done by permutation bootstrap, adding lots of extra pain. This is the was ME was written in the underlying papers, so this is the way it is done. The alternatives are any of a large variety of GLMM fits, though you probably have too much data for WinBUGS to help. Other GLMM will use a spatial correlation structured effect. Maybe look at gamm(), or gam() with a spline in observation coordinates from mgcv? Why use ME() with a data set that is too large for the method?

I wonder if there is a way to accelerate the calculations with ME() and to save the resulting eigenvalues as they get calculated. Or if it is possible to make the calculation process of ME() step by step.

You can try to fake it by running ME() under debug(), saving the eV matrix once it has been created to the global environment (not for the faint-hearted). Then just run glm() in the normal way, adding combinations of columns of eV, and testing the results with lm.morantest(), which will accept a glm object, but treat it as an lm object. Whether your choice of colmns will be a good choice is unknown.

If you prefer to stay with ME, make sure that verbose=TRUE (default) so that you can see that it is running, change nsim to say 49 (questionable), and tighten alpha to say 0.001. Tighten alpha first a lot (1e-8) so that you get an error message: base correlation larger than alpha (if you don't get the message, stop the function), then slacken it a little, so that ME() stops after selecting the first few eigenvectors that reduce autocorrelation most. This has the disadvantage that there will be a lot of residual autocorrelation.

Have you tried just using the Gabriel graph for neighbours - why do you believe that the inverse distances should be used (apart from their use in the literature)? Would ME() work faster with a less informative neighbour definition?

Hope this helps,


The code in R is a follows:

taimin.xy = taimin[c("dy", "dx")];
coordinates(taimin.xy) <- ~dy+dx; #dy, dx, name of the respective
coordinate columns
TaiminGabrielGraph<-gabrielneigh(coords, nnmult = 12);
nbtaim_distsg <- nbdists(tai.gab.nb, coords);
nbtaim_simsg <- lapply(nbtaim_distsg, function(x) (1-((x/(4*50))^2)) );
MEtaig.listw <- nb2listw(tai.gab.nb, glist=nbtaim_simsg, style="B");
sevmtaig <- ME(Presabs

I hope someone can give me some help.

Thank you in advance!

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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
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e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no
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