Dear List,

I have got error message when I run the R-code. Can anyone has a suggestion?

v.code <- df.bm7[,c(10:31)]; v.code[1:3,]
CM = v.code # variable binomial code
sim.sp <- function(data,CM,n,N)
  C <- matrix(rep(NA,N),ncol=1)
    for(i in 1:N)
        j <- n
        xx <- which(colSums(CM[j,])==1)
        V <- names(xx)
        V <- paste(V, collapse="+")
        V <- paste("SBA~", V)
        rd <- round(nrow(data)*(2/3))
        d <- sample(seq(1:nrow(data)),rd)
        dat1 <- data[d,]
        dat2 <- data[-d,]
        crd <- cbind(dat1$Longitude,dat1$Latitude)
        dist60 <- dnearneigh(crd,0,60,longlat=F)
        dist60sw <- nb2listw(dist60, style="B")
        fm <- errorsarlm(as.formula(V), data=dat1, listw=dist60sw)
        pred <- predict(fm,dat2)
        C[i,1] <- cor(dat2$SBA,pred)
        out <- cbind(C)

Error in nb2listw(dist60, style = "B") : Empty neighbour sets found

And, here are my partial data and addition information just in case.

> df2007.5k.s2[1:5,]
    Longitude Latitude Ring stage2       SBA     corn      sbn    w.wit
oats      afl      dbn   vg.frt    fidle grs.pstr    wdlnd  nlcd.ow nlcd.dec
821  419.9678 496.3359 5000      2 0.2041200 6.873500 6.515908 5.861865
5.139832 6.260552 5.087444 0.000000 4.818602 6.897949 4.927745 7.073408
822  440.9583 533.2685 5000      2 1.1832698 6.829823 6.402711 4.098471
5.660730 6.394553 4.700505 0.000000 4.399483 6.885719 5.159137 5.779678
823  434.2998 550.4301 5000      2 0.8419848 6.901722 6.377190 4.575569
5.571924 6.411776 4.450634 3.496515 4.537781 6.874229 5.001530 6.249959
824  388.2020 550.3011 5000      2 0.5563025 7.116200 6.467652 3.973543
4.894322 6.279565 5.872954 5.460165 3.973543 6.985068 4.958779 6.431883
825  365.8802 548.6984 5000      2 0.5314789 7.236186 6.739166 5.571924
5.729373 6.810875 6.049045 4.537781 3.973543 6.921747 5.335227 5.892576
    nlcd.shrb nlcd.grshrb   forest o.legume    devel  wetland   grains
821  5.504978    6.599838 6.661026 4.450634 6.974943 6.640015 4.838805
822  5.758828    5.736926 5.027859 5.064582 6.652622 7.020253 3.973543
823  5.840769    5.937286 5.399468 4.274550 6.959373 7.125071 4.496390
824  5.571924    6.287365 6.217362 3.496515 6.860364 6.366780 4.098471
825  5.593287    6.247655 5.642505 3.973543 6.816315 6.278132 5.014894
> v.code[1:5,]
    Latitude Longitude corn sbn afl grs.pstr nlcd.dec nlcd.grshrb devel
wetland ra.SDI oats nlcd.shrb w.wit wdlnd nlcd.ow dbn vg.frt fidle forest
169        0         1    0   0   0        0        0           0
0       0      0    1         1     0     0       0   0      0     0      0
170        0         1    0   0   0        1        0           0
0       0      0    1         1     0     0       0   0      0     0      0
171        0         1    0   0   0        0        0           0
0       0      0    1         1     0     0       0   1      0     0      0
193        0         1    0   0   0        0        0           0
0       0      0    1         1     0     0       0   0      0     0      0
217        0         1    0   0   0        0        0           0
0       0      0    1         1     0     0       0   0      0     0      0
    o.legume grains
169        0      1
170        0      1
171        1      1
193        0      0
217        0      0

Thank you in advance!!

Steve Hong

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