On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Noli Sicad wrote:
Anybody know, if the latest update (3 January 2010) of Rgdal supports
spatialite - GDAL 1.7.0?
I'm afraid that your question is not precise. The rgdal package supports
all the GDAL raster and OGR vector drivers supported in the DLL/shared
object for GDAL on your system. This version is reported when the rgdal
package is loaded. On systems other than Windows using the CRAN binary
package, this may be chosen by the user - it has nothing to do with the
rgdal package. The gdalDrivers() and ogrDrivers() functions report which
drivers are supported in the installed GDAL/OGR DLL.
If you mean the rgdal Windows CRAN binary package, then the current
version of GDAL is 1.6.3. Note that 1.7.0 has not been released, and is
expected by the beginning of February - as your later posting reports. In
any case, we depend on the goodwill of Uwe Ligges to make it possible to
provide the binary package, which should have as few external dependencies
as possible. The driver you ask about has external dependencies, so will
not be considered for the CRAN Windows binary. See
file.show(system.file("README.windows", package="rgdal"))
for other build options, for example against the Windows FWTools
distribution of GDAL. See also the SQLiteMap package for a feasible
alternative not using GDAL/OGR drivers.
Hope this is sufficiently clear,
Thanks. Noli
from the site.
Using the SpatiaLite library (Spatial extension for SQLite)
(Starting with GDAL 1.7.0)
The SQLite driver can read and write SpatiaLite databases without
needing to load the SpatiaLite library. But if you configure GDAL/OGR
with explicit linking to SpatiaLite library (version >= 2.3), you can
take advantage of all the extension functions provided by this
library, such as spatial indexes, spatial functions, etc...
A few examples :
# Duplicate the sample database provided with SpatiaLite (does not
need explicit linking with SpatiaLite)
ogr2ogr -f SQLite testspatialite.sqlite test-2.3.sqlite -dsco SPATIALITE=YES
# Add a spatial index on the geometry column of the Towns table (needs
explicit linking with SpatiaLite)
ogrinfo testspatialite.sqlite -sql "SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('Towns',
# Make a request with a spatial filter (needs explicit linking with SpatiaLite)
ogrinfo testspatialite.sqlite \
-sql "SELECT Name, asText(geometry) FROM Towns WHERE
MBRWithin(geometry, BuildMBR(754000, 4692000, 770000, 4924000))"
R-sig-Geo mailing list
Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no
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