I think I can use this accordingly. Thank you so much. I have a simple question. How do I plot a map without boundary (transparency) ? I have to plot a shape files with thousands of polygons!
Thanks again zia

# now it works
col = terrain.colors(nrow(m))
plot(wrld_simpl, col=col[wrld_simpl$v])

Robert J. Hijmans wrote:
Here is reproducible example, #1 fails because what I suspect is a bug
in merge, but #2 works. Robert

# create some data to merge with
 m = sort(unique(wrld_si...@data$region))
 m = cbind(m, 1:length(m))
 colnames(m) = c('REGION', 'v')
# merge
 wrld_si...@data = merge(wrld_si...@data, m, by='REGION', all.x=TRUE,

# but this does not work:
col = terrain.colors(nrow(m))
plot(wrld_simpl, col=col[wrld_simpl$v])
# he data.frame is rearanged; despite "sort=FALSE"
# this looks like a bug in merge to me. Anyone, am I wrong?

Therefore, I would do

# get the data.frame out of the SPGDF; to simplify code
d = wrld_si...@data
# add a sort key
d$sort = 1:nrow(d)
# create some data to merge with
 m = sort(unique(d$REGION))
 m = cbind(m, 1:length(m))
 colnames(m) = c('REGION', 'v')
# merge
 x = merge(d, m, by='REGION', all.x=TRUE)
# sort
 x = x[order(x$sort),]
# put the data back
 wrld_si...@data = x

# now it works
col = terrain.colors(nrow(m))
plot(wrld_simpl, col=col[wrld_simpl$v])

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Zia Ahmed <z...@cornell.edu> wrote:
Hi, Roberts,
In my last mail, I mentioned it works fine,  but when I try write shape file
after merging it shows error. I think I need to  define  spatial object or
data frame after merging. I do not know  how to do this. Thanks again.

poly.data1 = merge(poly.data, data.table, by="MUKEY" ,all.x = TRUE)
names(poly.data1) # polygoan
[1] "MUKEY"      "AREASYMBOL" "SPATIALVER" "MUSYM"      "Sand"     [6]
"Silt"       "Clay"       "pH"         "CEC"        "EC"       [11] "SAR"
     "CaCO3"      "SOM"        "BD"         "AWC"      [16] "KSAT"
"Kf"         "Kw"         "LL"         "LEP"
polyShp <- "D:/test/mapunit_poly.shp" > writeOGR(poly.data1, dsn=polyShp,
layer="mapunit_poly", driver="ESRI Shapefile")
Error in writeOGR(poly.data1, dsn = polyShp, layer = "mapunit_poly", driver
= "ESRI Shapefile") :
 obj of wrong class

Zia Ahmed wrote:
Thank you so much Roberts! it works.


Robert J. Hijmans wrote:
Zia, something like this might work as long as MUKEY has no NA values:

poly.data = merge(poly.data, data.table, by="MUKEY" ,all.x = TRUE)


On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Zia Ahmed <z...@cornell.edu> wrote:

I have created one data table and one polygon in R. Both have a similar
of column.  I want to combine or join them with this column or field
("MUKEY").  Then  I will convert this polygon  as  a ESRI  shape file.
But  when  I  used  spCbind,   I got error. I think i miss something
Is there any way join attribute table with polygon? Thanks

poly.data1 <- spCbind(poly.data, data.table)
Error in spCbind(poly.data, data.table) : different numbers of rows

names(poly.data) # polygoan
names(data.table) #
[1] "MUKEY" "Sand"  "Silt"  "Clay"  "pH"    "CEC"   "EC"    "SAR"
[10] "SOM"   "BD"    "AWC"   "KSAT"  "Kf"    "Kw"    "LL"    "LEP"


[1] 76969


[1] 184
   poly.data1 <- spCbind(poly.data, data.table)

combinedShp1 <- "D:/test/combined1.shp" writeOGR(poly.data1,
dsn=combinedShp1, layer="combined1", driver="ESRI Shapefile")

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