Dear Spatial Analysis community:

As a by-product of last summer's Workshop in India (see more info about that
project here:, the GeoDa Center for
Geospatial Analysis and Computation has started a new WikiPedia page to list
Spatial Analysis Software that you can check out here:

As it is now, it is just a beginning with a small subset of it, but the goal
is to end up with a *comprehensive list of packages written to enable
spatial analysis*.

It is structured as a sortable table with the following columns: 'Package'
(name), 'Free of charge' (yes/no), 'Operating Systems' (platform),
'Developer Institution/person', 'Website' (link to the projects page),
'Field of interest (if any specific)', 'Main Features', 'Language'
(programming language use), 'License' (in order to know degree of freedom in
the code).

To edit, just click on the tab 'edit this page' on the top of the page and
edit. All the changes go live, so make sure you want to do that change
before clicking on "Save changes". If you want to add a new package (row in
the table), it is recommended to copy and paste the block of an existing one
and edit the new one there.

We would like to invite you all to take a look at it and help improve it.
The beginning of the page is like pushing a snowball from the top of the
hill, what it is to come will be up to the community!

Daniel Arribas-Bel

Department of Economic Analysis
Universidad de Zaragoza (

GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation (
Arizona State University (USA)

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