Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reproducible example. The problem is that when I look at the sample variogram, the semivariance values start high and end low. This is best illustrated by:

plot(variogram(theta_percent~1, sparse))

You see that there are outliers in the data that cause high semi-variance at a short distance. I would say that is 'strange' ;). You can try and identify which point causes this by:

plot(variogram(theta_percent~1, sparse, cloud = TRUE), identify = TRUE)
# Click on the plot to identify the point pairs

There is not really one value I think that causes this. It might be also attributable to the fact that your dataset is somewhat sparse in the distance range from 20-40 m.

As a quick fix you can restrict the model selection to "Sph", this works. And I would not be enthusiastic about using Ste. This is because the main difference between different kappa values if the behavior at short distances, but you don't have a lot of data on the short distance to fit this value on in a meaningful way.

At this stage I don't see a (relatively quick) fix that could solve this problem in an automatic way and on a more fundamental level. Do you have any suggestions? From an implementation point of view I can let automap discard any model that has negative values in it, this would ensure that the user gets at least the Sph model back.


Mark Connolly wrote:
I am using autofitVariogram during the process of interpolating a large set of daily observations through a volume. Each volume is decomposed into 2D layers prior to selecting a model to use for interpolation. I made it through 2010 interpolations and then ran into a failed interpolation when the best model selected by autofitVariogram had a negative range. This was rejected by the krige function. I see mention of negative sills but not of negative ranges.

It appears that autofitVariogram is having some issues with the trial arguments sent to fit.variogram. This is repeatable. Not sure if this is a bug for some package or a data issue. The data values do not look overly strange.

# data
sparse =
structure(list(x = c(740381.862, 740456.052, 740503.958, 740551.752,
740559.502, 740502.995, 740446, 740389.229, 740371.693, 740428.25,
740484.918, 740541.356, 740549.277, 740474.724, 740418.118, 740370.187,
740354.321, 740410.53, 740467.451, 740523.772, 740522.433, 740474.797,
740400.293, 740343.175, 740336.067, 740392.917, 740449.622, 740506.162,
740495.664, 740448.693, 740382.062, 740325.464, 740318.174, 740430.337,
740488.37, 740477.578, 740429.695, 740373.133, 740325.408, 740631.842,
740688.362, 740744.857, 740726.149, 740695.778, 740621.663, 740613.553,
740670.205, 740726.566, 740733.965, 740660.272, 740620.315, 740594.82,
740651.714, 740708.217, 740690.056, 740659.603, 740575.902, 740576.796,
740558.179), y = c(181644.086, 181620.772, 181605.577, 181590.417,
181568.637, 181586.847, 181604.615, 181622.136, 181565.531, 181547.708,
181530.169, 181512.439, 181490.328, 181513.956, 181531.875, 181547.048,
181508.946, 181491.148, 181473.394, 181455.233, 181436.726, 181452.342,
181475.522, 181492.661, 181451.96, 181434.265, 181416.566, 181398.729,
181382.764, 181397.808, 181418.748, 181436.677, 181395.477, 181360.409,
181342.547, 181327.09, 181341.971, 181359.55, 181374.453, 181546.959,
181528.576, 181510.58, 181497.501, 181507.159, 181530.759, 181490.008,
181472.209, 181453.968, 181432.87, 181456.085, 181468.588, 181433.854,
181415.758, 181397.497, 181384.359, 181393.795, 181420.579, 181376.982,
181363.899), depth_cm = c(-8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8,
-8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8,
-8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8,
-8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8, -8,
-8, -8), theta_percent = c(23.63, 19.68, 23.81, 22.01, 23.98,
12.8, 14.92, 20.49, 22.59, 24.32, 20.24, 23.03, 12.97, 19.09,
39.2, 12.09, 24.52, 25.57, 25.5, 19.76, 19.17, 21.98, 7.5, 22.75,
17.85, 17.75, 17.95, 26.93, 18.84, 22.95, 23.71, 25.03, 40.69,
9.7, 24.66, 17.43, 16.3, 24.13, 19.98, 23.35, 12.16, 17.24, 14.29,
34.42, 21.84, 25.63, 20.51, 25.87, 24.44, 22.35, 8.57, 21.43,
25.63, 21.56, 21.49, 17.66, 25.61, 24.11, 28.31)), .Names = c("x",
"y", "depth_cm", "theta_percent"), row.names = c("1", "5", "10",
"15", "20", "25", "30", "35", "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65",
"70", "75", "80", "85", "90", "95", "100", "105", "109", "114",
"119", "124", "129", "134", "139", "144", "149", "154", "159",
"164", "169", "174", "179", "184", "188", "193", "198", "203",
"208", "213", "218", "223", "228", "233", "238", "243", "248",
"253", "258", "263", "268", "273", "278", "283", "288"), class = "data.frame")

# the broken fit for best search
coordinates(sparse) = c("x", "y", "depth_cm")
proj4string(sparse) = CRS("+init=epsg:32119")
v.fit <- autofitVariogram(theta_percent~1, sparse)

There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In getModel(initial_sill - initial_nugget, m, initial_range,  ... :
  An error has occured during variogram fitting. Used:
        nugget: 34.1432533936652
        model:  Exp
        psill:  13.2004974623731
        range:  53.1549477005646
        kappa:  NA
as initial guess. This particular variogram fit is not taken into account.
Gstat error:
Error in if (direct[direct$id == id, "is.direct"] && any(model$psill <  :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

2: In fit.variogram(object, model, fit.sills = fit.sills,  ... :
  value out of range in 'bessel_k'
3 ...

# a quick visual of the data in the field
rescale = function(x, to=c(1,10)) (x - min(x)) * ((max(to) - min(to))/(max(x) - min(x)))
spheres3d(sparse_df$x, sparse_df$y, sparse_df$depth_cm, radius=rescale(sparse_df$theta_percent))

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Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
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