Hello guys,

I have a couple of questions regarding enfa (adehabitat package).

The first is related to this message: "In predict.enfa(enfa1,
octopus.hab$index, octopus.hab$attr) :
  the enfa *is not mathematically optimal for prediction*:
 please consider the madifa instead".
I was wondering why that message and if it does appear every time you make
your analysis or it means you have a problem with your data/grids. Do I
explain myself? I mean, is this the default message? does it always appear?
And if it so, why madifa is better?
I'm curious since this code should do the same as Biomapper does, right?
Then, is biomapper not mathematically optimal for prediction too? Maybe I'm
misunderstanding something...

Another thing, what would you suggest to compare maxent and enfa outputs?

One last thing is regarding plotting the result. If I use image(), then, how
do I plot the legend? I tried plot() with the prediction, and it does plot
the legend, but I don't understand the values it has. Shouldn't it range
from 1 to 100, like in other prediction models? Again, I'm sorry if I'm
making wrong assumptions...

I hope this is helpful to someone else too!

Thank you very much!


PS. You know Mathieu, another big advantage of the enfa implementation in R
is that you don't have to convert all your grids to Idrisi format... it can
be really a pain...  I love that!

Consuelo Hermosilla
PhD student
Departamento de Ecología y Biología Animal
Departamento de Bioquímica, Genética e Inmunología, Área de Genética
Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Campus de As Lagoas-Marcosende
Universidad de Vigo
36310 Vigo
Mobile: +34 692 633 298

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