I believe Peter figured it out on his own off list. Here was my solution
using rgdal:


# Shapefile's full path is '/home/matt/LynchingHotSpots.
shp' on my computer
# If you had your file at 'C:\data\LynchingHotSpots.shp' you would change
#            shpFolder to "C:/data"   and   shpLayer stays as
shpFolder <- "/home/matt"
shpLayer <- "LynchingHotSpots"
spdf <- readOGR(shpFolder,shpLayer,p4s="+proj=longlat +datum=NAD27")
spdf     # SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

# Pick out the states of interest
statesWanted <-
Carolina","North Carolina","Kentucky")
subSpdf <- spdf[spdf$STATE_NAME %in% statesWanted,]

# Original vs. Subsetted
dim(spdf)                    # 3141 by 16
dim(subSpdf)                 # 733 by 16
spplot(spdf,"Lynchings")     # original
spplot(subSpdf,"Lynchings")  # subsetted

# Create pdf of results

Matt Beard
Purdue University

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:18 AM, Don MacQueen <m...@llnl.gov> wrote:

> Supposing that your data object is named "mydata", try following this
> example:
>  mydata[ , STATE_NAME %in% c('name1','name2','name17') ]
> replacing my fake state names with the ones you want.
> If you have another variable that identifies the subset you want, use it
> instead of STATE_NAME.
> This example assumes you data is in a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
> You haven't really provided enough information for more specific
> suggestions.
> -Don

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