On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, christiaan pauw wrote:

Thanks to Rick and Roger for their respective replies. Both helped.

I updated R, GDAL and rgdal (I now have: R version 2.11.1
(2010-05-31) x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0 with rgdal_0.6-26).
I then Ricks proposed writeOGR statement below. This works.

After adding some data (a dataframe called Bluegum) to the data already
contained in the SPDF with spCbind like this:
I get a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (according to class()) that can be plotted
and looks OK on the plot. I can even use the newly added variables to define
colours in the plot so I am sure the spCbind was successful.

But when I try to write it to a shapefile I get an error again:

writeOGR(SPbluegumADD,".","SPbluegumImPX",driver="ESRI Shapefile")
Error in writeOGR(SPbluegumADD, ".", "SPbluegumImPX", driver = "ESRI
Shapefile") :

GDAL Error 1: Invalid index : -1

Please make the input data objects to spCbind available on a website, with a copy of the spCbind command. Use save() to save as a portable RData file. Please also report your exact GDAL version and source, as this may also be platform dependent.


I tried to compare the structure of the objects as Rick adviced by using
list.tree (is there a better way?) and get:

list.tree(SPbluegumImP, depth=2)
SPbluegumImP = S4 1 (717288 bytes)( SpatialPolygonsDataFrame )
A  bbox = double 4= named array 2 X 2= 28.395 -26.388 28.405 ...
A  proj4string = S4 1( CRS )
A  polygons = list 144
A .  ...   and 132 more
A  plotOrder = integer 144= 4 26 33 6 22 92 ...
A  data = list 3( data.frame )

list.tree(SPbluegumADD, depth=2)
SPbluegumADD = S4 1 (17552624 bytes)( SpatialPolygonsDataFrame )
A  bbox = double 4= named array 2 X 2= 28.395 -26.388 28.405 ...
A  proj4string = S4 1( CRS )
A  polygons = list 144
A .  ...   and 132 more
A  plotOrder = integer 144= 4 26 33 6 22 92 ...
A  data = list 24( data.frame )
A .  ...   and 12 more

The difference seems to be that the SPDF object created by the spCbind
contains something extra. The "A .  ...   and 12 more" at the end. When I
set the depth in list.tree() to -1 to get everything and look right at the
end I get:

for the original object(SPbluegumImP:

A  data = list 3( data.frame )
A .  TOWNSHIP = integer 144= category (7 levels)( factor )= BLUEGUM VIEW
A .  SUBURB = integer 144= category (1 levels)( factor )= BLUEGUM VIEW
A .  PROPDESC = integer 144= category (5198 levels)( factor )= 116 82 138 11
127 ...
A A  row.names = integer 144= 3 85 94 127 166 ...

for the Object created by spCbind (SPbluegumADD)

A  data = list 24( data.frame )
A .  TOWNSHIP = integer 144= category (7 levels)( factor )= BLUEGUM VIEW
A .  SUBURB = integer 144= category (1 levels)( factor )= BLUEGUM VIEW
A .  PROPDESC = integer 144= category (5198 levels)( factor )= 116 82 138 11
127 ...
A .  Response.ID = integer 144= category (44327 levels)( factor )=
53cbc1d8-c12a-4aaf-a74f-0037b8e4c577 ...
A .  Fieldworker = character 144= Sfiso Jiyane  ...
A .  Received = integer 144= category (43009 levels)( factor )= 2010/05/01
12:44:16 PM ...
A .  Start = integer 144= category (42997 levels)( factor )= 2010/04/13
09:26:10 AM ...
A .  End = integer 144= category (43124 levels)( factor )= 2010/04/13
09:26:57 AM ...
A .  Duration = integer 144= category (2908 levels)( factor )= 00:00:47
00:01:02 ...
A .  Location = integer 144= category (1 levels)( factor )= N/A N/A N/A N/A
A .  Language = integer 144= category (1 levels)( factor )= English English
A .  PROPDESC.1 = integer 144= 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
A .  ...   and 12 more
A A  row.names = integer 144= 3 85 94 127 166 ...

I cannot see a real difference except that the second object now contains
the additional columns added by spCbind.

Can anyone offer some insight?

regards and thank for the help so far

On 2 June 2010 18:52, rick reeves <ree...@nceas.ucsb.edu> wrote:


Compare the object fields carefully to those in the 'parent' object.
Assuming that SPbluegumImP is a valid SpatialPolygonsDataFrame,
you might try simplifying the writeOGR statement to:

 writeOGR(SPbluegumImP,".","SPbluegumImP",driver="ESRI Shapefile")

..which will write the file SPbluegumImP.shp to the current working folder
(which you can establish with setwd("path"))

You can also send me your file, and I will be glad to have a look.

hope this helps,
Rick R

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