Nikhil Kaza
Asst. Professor,
City and Regional Planning
University of North Carolina
On Aug 1, 2010, at 7:57 AM, elaine kuo wrote:
Dear Dr. Bivand and list
Thank you for the patience.
Only one question remains
2. great distance circle
=> longlat = TRUE returns no valid observation ...
similar error messages have been researched in the archived mail
but no identical case found...
Please kindly suggest when longlat=TRUE,
whether the unit of both longitude and latitude is degree.decimal..
(confused with the manual explanation "measured in kilometer")
The threshold is in km when longlat=TRUE, but the coordinates are in
decimal degrees. Please state the representation of your
coordinates - are
they in decimal degrees or not?
=> Yes, mine are in decimal degrees.
No, simply that you are including too many neighbours leading to
too much
smoothing for many observations.
Please try everything on small examples until you understand what
you are
doing. Best, use publically available small examples, and include
verbatim code (or post code on a website), max. 10 lines.
=> please advise any publicly available small examples to try
I have none at hand.. :P Thank you.
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