hi all I'm having problems with a shape file using the package with the
following statement rgdal.


* get this error or this error:

*Error in ogrInfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, input_field_name_encoding =
input_field_name_encoding) :  Cannot open layer
 when I if use:
*readOGR(dsn="**/var/www/outputs/**", p4s="NULL",layer="**capa.dbf**")*

get this:

*OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
Source: "/var/www/wpsoutputs/", layer: "centralidad"
with 461 features and 5 fields
Feature type: wkbPoint with 2 dimensions
Error en CRS(p4s) : no arguments in initialization list*

how I can correct these errors??.

thanks for your help.

Ricardo Rodríguez

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