Dear R-SIGgers,
  My current rainfall dataset (ascii, at 0.2 degree resolution) spans the 
entire South America and has been loaded into R as a xyz variable:
> summary(prec_data)       V1               V2               V3          Min.   
> :-82.80   Min.   :-50.20   Min.   :  0.000   1st Qu.:-70.65   1st Qu.:-34.65  
>  1st Qu.:  0.000   Median :-58.50   Median :-19.10   Median :  0.000   Mean   
> :-58.50   Mean   :-19.10   Mean   :  4.002   3rd Qu.:-46.35   3rd Qu.: -3.55  
>  3rd Qu.:  2.430   Max.   :-34.20   Max.   : 12.00   Max.   :250.150  > 
> head(prec_data)     V1    V2   V31 -82.8 -50.2 0.002 -82.8 -50.0 1.363 -82.8 
> -49.8 2.864 -82.8 -49.6 3.635 -82.8 -49.4 3.266 -82.8 -49.2 3.40> 
  My objectives are the following:
  1) Clip the data using a shapefile;
  2) In order to completely fill the area with rainfall information, perform a 
interpolation technique (IDW or kriging) using as boundary the same shapefile 
above. This will allow me to generate risk maps for the occurence of a certain 
plant disease.
  Could anybody please point me the directions on how to do this?
  Thanks in advance,

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