There is a difference between visual perception of points being on a
grid, and the numerical confirmation of this.

Have you tried

grid_new <- points2grid(SpatialPoints(coord_nficentroid),
    tolerance= 0.41, round=NULL, fuzz.tol=3)

as the message sugggested?

On 11/02/2010 03:03 AM, Yan Boulanger wrote:
> Hi
> everyone,
> This seems
> (again) a very simple question but I’m not able to get this work. I have point
> data from the Canadian National Forest Inventory. This inventory was realized
> using a grid of 20 regularly spaced points. Even though I have access to the
> point data, I don’t have the grid data. Actually, I would like to use the grid
> data in order to do some moving window analyses. Plotting the point makes it
> obvious that these were generated using a grid. I used the points2grid in 
> order
> to convert Grid. However, I get this error message : 
> library(rgdal)
> nfi_centroid
> <- readOGR(".", "nbie")
> coord_nficentroid<-coordinates(nfi_centroid)
> grid_new
> <- points2grid(SpatialPoints(coord_nficentroid),
> tolerance=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), round=NULL, fuzz.tol=3)
> suggested
> tolerance minimum: 0.40961317562634 
> Erreur dans
> points2grid(SpatialPoints(coord_nficentroid), tolerance =
> sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),  : 
>   dimension 1 : coordinate intervals are not
> constant
> However,
> one could see that intervals are constant except, of course, when points fall
> in water. I tried with a subset of points that excluded any point skipping due
> to water and got that same result. I’m a little bit puzzled… I’m surely 
> missing
> something!
> Thanks for
> the help!
> Yan
> Using R
> 2.11.1
> The original
> projection was :
> Projected
> Coordinate System: NAD_1983_Albers
> Projection:
> Albers
> False_Easting:
> 0,00000000
> False_Northing:
> 0,00000000
> Central_Meridian:
> -95,00000000
> Standard_Parallel_1:
> 49,00000000
> Standard_Parallel_2:
> 77,00000000
> Latitude_Of_Origin:
> 49,00000000
> Linear
> Unit: Meter
> Geographic
> Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983
> Datum:
> D_North_American_1983
> Prime
> Meridian: Greenwich
> Angular
> Unit: Degree
>   Here’s
> a subset of the point data for New Brunswick.
>             coordinates Id
> 1     (2200320, 384479)  0
> 2     (2192230, 366274)  0
> 3     (2095010, 343514)  0
> 4     (2165910, 356022)  0
> 5     (2076780, 351499)  0
> 6     (2184140, 348078)  0
> 7     (2202370, 340149)  0
> 8     (2157810, 337828)  0
> 9     (2113240, 335544)  0
> 10    (2149700, 319642)  0
> 11    (2068680, 333298)  0
> 12    (2176040, 329890)  0
> 13    (2131470, 327586)  0
> 14    (2105140, 317356)  0
> 15    (2060570, 315108)  0
> 16    (2167930, 311709)  0
> 17    (2086910, 325320)  0
> 18    (2194270, 321966)  0
> 19    (2042340, 323093)  0
> 20    (2078790, 307135)  0
> 21    (2186160, 303791)  0
> 22    (2123360, 309404)  0
> 23    (2159810, 293539)  0
> 24    (1981530, 284526)  0
> 25    (2034220, 304904)  0
> 26    (2141590, 301465)  0
> 27    (1989650, 302709)  0
> 28    (2222600, 287994)  0
> 29    (2070670, 288956)  0
> 30    (2097020, 299175)  0
> 31    (2052450, 296924)  0
> 32    (2007870, 294710)  0
> 33    (2115250, 291229)  0
> 34    (2088900, 281003)  0
> 35    (2151690, 275374)  0
> 36    (1963300, 292533)  0
> 37    (2178040, 285625)  0
> 38    (2026100, 286723)  0
> 39    (1973390, 266350)  0
> 40    (2206340, 251692)  0
> 41    (2133470, 283295)  0
> 42    (2169910, 267467)  0
> 43    (2017970, 268551)  0
> 44    (2196260, 277725)  0
> 45    (2044320, 278750)  0
> 46    (1999750, 276532)  0
> 47    (2188130, 259573)  0
> 48    (2036190, 260582)  0
> 49    (2054410, 252625)  0
> 50    (2107120, 273062)  0
> 51    (1955170, 274350)  0
> 52    (2214470, 269839)  0
> 53    (2062550, 270788)  0
> 54    (2125340, 265134)  0
> 55    (2143560, 257219)  0
> 56    (1991610, 258362)  0
> 57    (2232690, 261965)  0
> 58    (2080770, 262838)  0
> 59    (2250900, 254106)  0
> 60    (1965250, 248184)  0
> 61    (2224550, 243825)  0
> 62    (2072630, 244684)  0
> 63    (2098990, 254904)  0
> 64    (2109060, 228836)  0
> 65    (2161770, 249317)  0
> 66    (2009830, 250387)  0
> 67    (2269110, 246260)  0
> 68    (2117200, 246982)  0
> 69    (2331860, 240924)  0
> 70    (2179990, 241429)  0
> 71    (2028050, 242424)  0
> 72    (2135420, 239072)  0
> 73    (1983470, 240202)  0
> 74    (2242760, 235970)  0
> 75    (2090840, 236753)  0
> 76    (2198200, 233554)  0
> 77    (2046270, 234474)  0
> 78    (2305520, 230608)  0
> 79    (2260960, 228130)  0
> 80    (1957100, 230026)  0
> 81    (2234610, 217843)  0
> 82    (2315560, 204691)  0
> 83    (2163690, 205166)  0
> 84    (2216410, 225692)  0
> 85    (2064480, 226536)  0
> 86    (2323720, 222803)  0
> 87    (2171840, 223293)  0
> 88    (2019900, 224274)  0
> 89    (2279170, 220303)  0
> 90    (2153630, 231176)  0
> 91    (2001690, 232232)  0
> 92    (2100910, 210701)  0
> 93    (1948950, 211877)  0
> 94    (2127270, 220933)  0
> 95    (1975320, 222049)  0
> 96    (2082690, 218612)  0
> 97    (2190050, 215424)  0
> 98    (2038110, 216330)  0
> 99    (2297370, 212490)  0
> 100   (2145480, 213043)  0
> 101   (2252810, 210010)  0
> 102   (2208250, 207567)  0
> 103   (2056330, 208398)  0
> 104   (2165550, 161088)  0
> 105   (2281040, 176281)  0
> 106   (2129150, 176804)  0
> 107   (2272870, 158190)  0
> 108   (2271010, 202188)  0
> 109   (2119110, 202803)  0
> 110   (2074540, 200480)  0
> 111   (2226450, 199725)  0
> 112   (2066370, 182357)  0
> 113   (2147350, 168939)  0
> 114   (2254680, 165986)  0
> 115   (2181890, 197303)  0
> 116   (2029960, 198195)  0
> 117   (2289210, 194380)  0
> 118   (2137320, 194919)  0
> 119   (2244650, 191898)  0
> 120   (2092740, 192575)  0
> 121   (1940780, 193737)  0
> 122   (2200090, 189452)  0
> 123   (2048160, 190269)  0
> 124   (2155520, 187049)  0
> 125   (2262850, 184082)  0
> 126   (2110950, 184683)  0
> 127   (2218290, 181616)  0
> 128   (2173720, 179191)  0
> 129   (2120980, 158699)  0
> 130   (2236480, 173795)  0
> 131   (2084580, 174458)  0
> 132   (2191920, 171347)  0
> 133   (2039990, 172149)  0
> 134   (2299230, 168494)  0
> 135   (2102780, 166572)  0
> 136   (2210120, 163517)  0
> 137   (2058200, 164243)  0
> 138   (2228310, 155700)  0
> 139   (2094600, 148470)  0
> 140   (2076400, 156350)  0
> 141   (2220130, 137616)  0
> 142   (2068220, 138252)  0
> 143   (2183750, 153250)  0
> 144   (2112800, 140604)  0
> 145   (2139170, 150840)  0
> 146   (2246500, 147898)  0
> 147   (2201940, 145427)  0
> 148   (2050020, 146139)  0
> 149   (2157370, 142996)  0
> 150   (2264680, 140109)  0
> 151   (2193750, 127345)  0
> 152   (2203740, 101476)  0
> 153   (2175560, 135164)  0
> 154   (2130990, 132751)  0
> 155   (2238310, 129820)  0
> 156   (2086410, 130378)  0
> 157   (2149180, 124911)  0
> 158   (2256490, 122037)  0
> 159   (2104610, 122518)  0
> 160   (2211930, 119542)  0
> 161   (2060020, 120164)  0
> 162   (2167370, 117086)  0
> 163   (2122800, 114671)  0
> 164   (2230120, 111751)  0
> 165   (2078220, 112296)  0
> 166  (2187320, 65377.6)  0
> 167  (2160920, 55121.2)  0
> 168   (2185550, 109274)  0
> 169   (2140980, 106838)  0
> 170   (2248300, 103974)  0
> 171   (2096410, 104442)  0
> 172  (2240090, 85921.7)  0
> 173    (2088200, 86376)  0
> 174  (2124570, 70720.6)  0
> 175    (2159170, 99019)  0
> 176  (2114600, 96602.2)  0
> 177  (2221920, 93691.9)  0
> 178  (2070010, 94223.2)  0
> 179  (2177350, 91213.9)  0
> 180  (2132780, 88774.2)  0
> 181  (2195530, 83422.5)  0
> 182  (2150960, 80962.3)  0
> 183  (2106390, 78541.3)  0
> 184  (2213710, 75643.1)  0
> 185  (2169140, 73162.6)  0
> 186  (2205490, 57605.4)  0
> 187    (2079990, 68319)  0
> 188  (2142750, 62914.6)  0
> 189  (2116350, 52677.1)  0
> 190  (2179100, 47343.4)  0
> 191  (2134520, 44877.3)  0
> 192  (2170870, 29318.1)  0
> 193  (2152700, 37090.6)  0
> 194
> (2198950, -4186.01)  0  
> Yan Boulanger 
> Dendrolab - Datation de bâtiments patrimoniaux par dendrochronologie
> Université du Québec à Rimouski 
> Département de Biologie 
> Centre d'études nordiques 
> 300, allée des Ursulines 
> Rimouski, PQ G5L 3A1 
> (418) 723-1986 poste 1482
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