On 11/03/2010 08:28 PM, Ricardo Rodríguez wrote:
> hello.
> Need, plotting in pdf, a result of an interpolation SpatialGrid and
> additionally some sites above, but with the following statement:
> *pol <- list("sp.polygons", pol, fill="transparent")
> test.layout <- list(pol)

please try

test.layout = list("sp.polygons", pol, fill="transparent", first = FALSE)
> spplot(test1["var1.pred"], AXES = TRUE,scale= TRUE,
> col.regions=bpy.colors(20),xlab="E-O",ylab="N-S",scales=list(draw=T),sp.layout
> =test.layout)*

you could as well omit the AXES = TRUE, it doesn't do anything.
>  Something happens and a blue spot print, or print the below sites, that
> would fail to be ideal printing.
> thanks for your answers and help
> Ricardo Rodríguez
> Univalle
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Edzer Pebesma
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