Yes, I've done it and blogged about it a while ago.

I used raster a raster brick and then the animate package. For my own
project I made some changes to the animate package functions. ( the
functions currently switch directories under the cover of an API )  I don't
promote my blog on here cause its not the place to do that.

Personally, I would like to see the functions in animation taken out and
worked on a bit to
give a bit more transparency and flexibility to what is done. This is not a
criticism, I just have opinions on how I would do it.

Outputing it as a Movie takes a bit more work and I could not get
imagemagick working on my MAC, but its all doable.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 3:58 AM, Kevin Ummel <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I came across the 'animate' package, and I'm wondering if anyone has
> successfully adapted it to create animations of multi-layered spatial data.
> This seems like a logical advance of R's spatial data visualization,
> especially given the prominence of NetCDF and HDR file types, but I don't
> want to replicate if someone else already has a function in working order...
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> Kevin Ummel
> Senior Visiting Associate, Center for Global Development
> MESPOM Candidate, University of Manchester
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