All:  Using gWidgetsWWW, I'm in the process of designing a website that will 
provide users with a GUI to interact with various datasets.  As part of that, I 
want to provide users the ability select particular variables (via combo boxes) 
that will then result in summary (text) output being returned to the webpage.  
Think of it as their choices ultimately result in a one- or two-way table being 
returned from the R table() function.

The way I have implemented it is with a series of comboboxes that users use to 
make selections and that ultimately return table() output to a gtext widget.  
In so doing, I was essentially following the example at the end of "Examples 
for gWidgets" (Section 17.2, An alternative to ggenericwidget).  Right now I'm 
testing the code on my local PC using localServerOpen().

The problem is not with the function, but with the output.  Specifically, in 
the output the formatting (particularly newline returns) are stripped out and 
my table turns into a long string of numbers.  Similarly, any text that I add 
to the gtext widget is just appended.  So, I just get a long string of text and 
numbers that is essentially unintelligible.

What I want is output similar to what I would see in the R Console were I to 
generate a table there.  In an attempt to correct this, I have tried all manner 
of font options such as font.attr=c("monospace"), etc., and it seems that no 
matter what I try I can neither affect the displayed font (it's some sort of 
proportional Arial-like font) nor the exclusion of line returns.  (When I 
include \n in the text, it's simply stripped out/ignored.  However, \t works.)

Now, when I run the same code under gWidgets, I get a Courier-style font and 
the line returns show up.  That is, the output in the gtext widget looks much 
like I would see in the R Console.  So, my guess is that the browser is 
overriding the gWidgetsWWW output.  I'm running this in the latest version of 
Firefox.  (When I ran the same code using IE 9.0, the gtext widget does not 
even show up, but that's a different issue...)

With all that as background, two questions:

(1) Is the use of the gtext widget a good approach for what I want to do, or is 
there a better approach?

(2) If the gtext widget is the way to go, any suggestions for solving the above 

Many thanks,
Associate Professor
Operations Research Dept.
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA, USA

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