On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Duncan Murdoch
<murdoch.dun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25/06/2012 4:13 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> So, just to be blunt:
>> You like working with tcltk?
>> I mean, I know your package is written with it, but do like it? Do you
>> sometimes wish you were working with QT or GTK? That's the hard
>> decision for me at the moment.
> One advantage of tcltk is that installation is easy:  R does it for you on
> Windows, and it's likely there on Linux.  Only MacOS needs a little user
> work, but not much.  RGtk2 has improved in the installation of support libs,
> but it is still a two-step process on Windows, and I would suspect it will
> fail for many users who don't have the right permissions.

One way that this could be improved would be if tcl/tk and the tcltk R
package were included in all R distributions or at least the ones that
the R core group has control over.

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