
I'm new to this list (but a long-time R-usrR). I'm considering using
gWidgets to build (replace) an GUI for an application. A key element of
that application is a tree structure and it looks like the gtree object
provides the needed basic functionality.

However, I need to be able to control the gtree contents from program
elements besides keyboard and mouse events. For example, in the help pages
for gtree, an example is given for how to display a file directory
structure. Very cool. But, I need to know the command sequence that would
be used to add a row to the tree or to tell the tree to "open" a node or
"change the text color" or "close" a node or "delete" a row from the tree
and then "update".

I've looked and looked and can't see that it is even possible. If this kind
of manipulation is not possible, then I need to use change to another
approach that offers that capability. I would like to do this in R as it
will be very easy to build functions that manipulate the underlying data
structures that would be displayed with the gui.

Any suggestions from this list would be welcome. Maybe I just need to
purchase "the magic book". ... But, which magic book?

Thanks for your time,

Nick Crookston

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