Hi everybody,

I used QProcess (Qt C++) to start a R terminal on windows and was able to
communicate with it (e.g. submit R commands and recover R outputs).
But when I sent the "X11()" command to open a graphic device, the graphic
device did show up but didn't response and crashed.

When I opened R.exe in a windows command prompt and type "X11()", it
yielded a functional graphic device (i.e. did not crash).

I first thought that the error came from the fact that R didn't manage to
find its .dll when called from my QProcess. I thus looked at RHOME variable
(using *Rhome("bin")* for example) and it yielded the same result when R
was called from QProcess or opened in a windows command prompt.

The problem is only present on Windows (I don't have any problem with my
project developped on Linux, but I have to deploy it for Windows users).

Any idea ?

Thank you in advance,


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